[Problem] Idiot Americans posting on 2ch and 4-ch (6)

1 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4580 09:58


17 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2006/03/14(火) 00:11:22

So I see from your Nick that you like that there Naruto anime... have you been watching the filler episodes?

18 :Sasuke:2006/03/14(火) 00:13:51

Yeah, I've been watching Naruto. I'm really sick of these fillers. They're so boring.

19 :Sasuke:2006/03/14(火) 00:14:38

Anyways, I have to be leaving. I have to be at school soon. I'll be back in a 5-6 hours.

20 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2006/03/14(火) 00:15:59

I am 41 years old. It's too much childish or young to watch anime.

21 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2006/03/14(火) 00:20:45

I just watch it in my free time when I have nothing else better to do. It's better than the crap they have on TV in the states at least. 

The Sasuke idiot even filled in an email: sasukekun66@yahoo.com

30 :& ◆o30CwoSU/2 :2006/03/14(火) 04:09:20

Yuck, those Naruto filler episodes...I stopped watching because of them.
Why'd they go and do that anyways? The series was pretty damn good until then.

31 :Sasuke:2006/03/14(火) 05:28:18

Well I'm back but I have to do some chores. And yeah, those filler episodes are horrible.

32 :k-tan ◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/03/14(火) 06:26:08

Aren't the fillers there because the anime was almost catching up with the manga?

33 :外人さん :2006/03/14(火) 06:34:12

That's what I heard, but the last episode I watched was about 6 months ago, and they were doing fillers then.
6 months of fillers so the manga can get ahead?...seems a bit excessive.

34 :James:2006/03/14(火) 06:49:08

Japanese girls are so easy to fuck!! FUCKED SIX OF THEM THIS WEEK!! Jap girls are so stupid, like sheep!! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!

35 :Sasuke:2006/03/14(火) 07:01:30

I think they're just making sure they don't pull an Inuyasha. So I'm kinda glad. And James, thanks for sharing. @_@

921 :Sasuke:2006/03/15(水) 13:31:44

I really like anime and manga. I guess I'm considered an otaku...
But the series that I read the most are Naruto, Hikaru no Go, One Piece, and Shaman King. Those mangas are in the American version of Shonen Jump. I also buy manga books. I have a lot, but I buy a lot at a used book store. 

935 :Sasuke:2006/03/15(水) 14:52:41

I don't really read much American manga, but I've read some. Megatokyo is funny.
Also my friend Ed and his girlfriend have an online manga called "Middlecenter"

936 :Sasuke:2006/03/15(水) 15:03:33

It's getting late...at least for me. It's 1 AM for me. I think I should be heading to bed soon.
Do you have an AIM screen name?

945 :Aquilo!Aeolustripcode:2006/03/15(水) 17:27:13

Hello from Canada "eh?" 


3 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4580 10:00


4 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4580 10:07


5 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4580 10:25

i think you wanted this thread: http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1106805509/

6 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4580 15:40

Idiots on the internet?
Wow, that's never happened before.
Let's make a documentary.

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