I got probated from SomethingAwful. (48)

24 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4601 01:05

Don't forget Sturgeon's Law: 90% of everything is crap. SA may be responsible for a fair amount of the culture of the internet, but the culture for which it is responsible falls in the "crap" category. Personally, I try to ignore anything that came from SA, just because reading stupid stuff makes me feel stupid.

Also, I don't give two shits about who formed 4-ch or what was on their mind when they did it. The site is only worth visiting because of its users, and personally I found the site for reasons having nothing at all to do with SA. The site simply happens to provide a place where users can post good content. (With the owner's brilliant idea of making tripfags moderators, the site may soon fail to provide even that, but we'll see.)

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