I am a Male,do you have any questions?
Incidentally,I am straight. Though I'm not the manliest man ever,I'll try my best to answer the questions.
Let's enjoy talking!
Why did you choose to be male?
You're going to hell.
Do you have a penis? What does it feels like?
>>1 obviously you are male, since THERE ARE NO WOMEN ON T3H INTERNETS
Did you already find another method to come into contact with women?
Do you ejaculate regularly? Is it necessary?
>>9 It happens about once a month, there's nothing I can do about it.
I usually feel pretty pissed when I'm ejaculating.
Is it true that once you go gay, it becomes the only way?
>>11 I wouldn't know, as I said in the beginning I'm straight.
Is it true that you have violent instincts genetically embedded into your DNA?
Are you also white? If so, how does it feel to be the cause of all the world's problems?
Do you have a dick? Please describe it in exquisite detail.
>>14 Pretty cool, actually. You just don't mess with someone who can cause all that.
I heard that all guys think about is sex. Is that true?