Top Ten Reasons American Women Suck (35)

1 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4614 14:37

1) Selfish - to the point where they don't know the difference between love of self and plain downright greed--and drilled into believing that whatever happens is the fault of whatever man is in their life because of the feminist crud drilled into them by the cadre of asexual closet cases called "therapists" who appear on "Ricki", "Oprah" or other such electronic drivel
2) Deluded - into thinking they "deserve" a rich, model-handsome husband who will "take them away from all of this"--whatever the "this" might be--and leading to resentment when they discover that the universe does NOT revolve around them
3) Angry - ALL the damn time about things which are so far out of their control as to be nonsensical--and constantly wanting to "discuss" this mind numbing drivel ad nauseam
4) Psychotic - multiple personalities in the same woman - as "Nomad" put it in the "Star Trek" episode: "Woman...a mass of inconsistencies...", and also when the feminist voices in their heads start with the regrets and victim acculturation
5) Worthless - anything that does not immediately resolve itself in her favor or to her benefit is meaningless to her, especially husband and family
6) Lazy - drilled into their head that they "deserve" a maid, nanny and personal slave to take care of every detail - and that their husband/boyfriend is REQUIRED to cater to their each and every mindless whim
7) Resentful - especially of other women who have things that they do not, in material, spiritual and esoteric senses
8) Greedy - to them, "housekeeping" means getting the house in the divorce (thanks to Zsa Zsa for that immortal line) and sucking the guy for every last cent, even if they had nothing to do with the building of the nest egg
9) Mindless - constant, irritating, idle prattle about topics they read about in some women's magazine and then become instant experts--particularly pop psychology and the latest crap they see on "Oprah" or "Ricki"
10) Vain - believing that they are irresistible to everything in pants and therefore are allowed to behave sluttish and without any honor

2 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4614 14:46


3 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4614 14:59

>>2 is just a feminist pig.

4 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4614 19:45

Healthy men must rebuke American women to save our souls and to prevent ourselves from becoming extinct. We are being assaulted daily thru television, politics, music, movies, and magazines. Corporations are brutally guiding men towards a life of hopelessness, slavery, debt and despair.

American women have willfully lost their privilege to date or marry decent men. I'm a decent man who is willing and able to fight in constructive ways. What will you do in the face of the feminist's challenge? Will you self-destruct? Will you soon be feminized to the point where you are required by law to take estrogen injections to act more feminine?

Our fight requires no bullets or bombs. Ours is a cultural exodus using discipline, self-respect, self-restraint, logic, and reason as our weapons. There is no need to lay even one finger on an American woman. They should be shunned and left barren to date and marry drug users, scoundrels, diseased, abusive and dishonest men only.

If we do nothing, we lose our souls and livelihoods. If we act in meticulous, emphatic, and forthright manners...our battles will be supplely won.

Most American women are both physically and emotionally ugly. I suggest that men take trips to other parts of the world if they want to meet truly beautiful women.

Below are my suggestions on how decent men can effect cultural change in America. Keep in mind that I will make adjustments to my philosophy as I continue to fully experience life.

5 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4615 05:53

  • Use the Internet to discuss current events

6 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4615 06:06

  • Push for a federal flat tax of 10% plus a combined 5% state and local tax (what??)

7 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4615 06:22

>>1 Sorry man, this shit happens all the time in Asia.

8 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4615 06:34

 〜'''ミ ゚Д゚ミ I declare this thread misogynyst thread. Hurray!

9 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4615 08:14

>>7 are you from asia? If so, please say where and explain how they're the same (I believe you; I just want specifics).

10 Name: not 7 : 1993-09-4615 10:46

>>9 it happens in any "modern" culture.

11 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4615 11:52

I love how people say women are too emotional but on the news it's the guys acting crazy. LOL

12 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4615 12:09

Maybe I'll come back to the U.S. someday. But to paraphrase Jim Goad, I started to become cynical when oinking, belching slabs of American female swineflesh insisted that I was the pig.

Yes, American women have had (and might yet still have) a few golden decades to frolic within. For quite a while now, they've gotten it both ways: holding-onto their female-only privileges while demanding equality of outcome for more 'male' things. And, in the meantime, males can be shoved-away, abused, jailed, mistreated, belittled, humiliated, alienated, disempowered, discriminated-against and generally shat-upon the whole time. Oh what good fun!

But sorry darlings, that mode of behavior can't last much longer.

Perhaps the day will come when I will move back to the land of my birth. But I don't see any compelling reason to do so any time soon. Of course, you hope the American male populace cannot and will not be taken-advantage of for very long. That the tide cannot help but begin to change, and maybe American males will finally act upon the realization that they need to insist upon a better way of living. A way different from the one which is currently being pushed-forward by their ignorant, small-minded, bigoted and degenerative womenfolk.

13 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4615 12:10

Yes, American women are a troupe of slatternly, soulless hyenas who, if given the chance, would happily gnaw-out your eyeballs. They do little but absorb your attention, demand that you spend money on them, and hiss at you for your maleness. They volunteer absolutely nothing except for an armada of lies. Their desires are of ultimate importance at all times; the effects on you are not an issue. They have quality advertising, yet they still remain inferior goods. Do I ever miss their bone-deep nastiness, their putrefied dispositions and their short fuses? Not a speck! I, for one, declare that I have had enough of their slop, dammit. But as someone who is actually quite fond of America, I find the chicks over there to be downright embarassing. But I don't think it is true that they will always necessarily have to be that way forever...

14 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4615 12:39

I sure hope this thread is all kopipe.

15 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4615 12:54

>I love how people say women are too emotional but on the news it's the guys acting crazy. LOL

That's because women act crazy all the time. It's actually news when a guy acts crazy. LOL

16 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4615 13:20

Rachel is a real girl. The list was taken from her website. Rachel is a typical young American woman. Keep in mind that she expects everything on the list simply because she has vagina.
1. 5'8� and taller
2. Dark brown hair with brown eyes/blue eyes
3. Handsome
4. Muscular
5. Weight depending on height � not skinny, not fat
6. Good sense of humor
7. Dimples
8. Cute laugh
9. Sensitive
10. Affectionate in front of friends
11. Gives me lots of attention
12. Outgoing
13. Popular but doesn't know the whole state
14. Friends with my friends
15. Nice smile
16. Straight teeth
17. No facial or body hair (except legs n under arms)
18. Pierced ear(s) if any
19. Not too many tattoos if any
20. Likes to cuddle
21. Likes to party
22. Takes me out
23. Grabs my hand to hold
24. Kisses me unexpectedly
25. Dresses nice (ABERCROMBIE) hehe
26. Has a good job
27. Tells me he misses me when we're not together
28. Makes me laugh
29. Open minded
30. Polite
31. Holds doors for me
32. Opens car doors
33. Romantic
34. Likes all type of music
35. Likes going to the movies
36. Talks to his friends about me
37. Looks into my eyes when just laying there on the bed
38. Gives massages without me having to ask
39. Plays with my hair
40. Calls me to just say hi
41. Tries not to argue
42. Apologizes for when he does wrong
43. Says what he's feeling
44. Has a car
45. Has a dog
46. Has a family that likes me
47. Compliments me
48. Is tan
49. Doesn't curse all the time
50. Wants to be with me as much as possible
51. Comes over unexpectedly
52. Wakes me up with a kiss
53. Same age or 3 years at the most older than me
54. Trustworthy
55. Patient
56. Likes to shop
57. Has good manners
58. Doesn't smoke
59. Occasionally drinks
60. Athletic
61. Is on time for dates
62. Calls back later when he says he will
63. Lives close to me
64. Wants to meet my family
65. Treats me like a princess
66. Has a cute butt
67. Good kissable lips
68. Good kisser
69. Good memory
70. Does special things for holidays/birthdays/anniversary/etc
71. Intelligent
72. Has direction
73. Creative
74. Likes everything about me
75. Committed
76. My best friend
77. Respectful
78. Mature
79. Persistent � Hard working
80. Likes walks on the beach
81. Likes just staying home sometimes
82. Writes me songs/poems
83. Likes to dance
84. Has a sexy voice
85. Cooks for me
86. Likes to show me off
87. Calls me or introduces me as his "girlfriend" not "Rachel"
88. Likes to take pictures
89. Flirts with me in public and in private
90. Puts up with my mood swings
91. Comforts me when I'm sad
92. Doesn't say �sorry� all the time when it's not needed
93. Sticks up for me
94. Likes animals
95. Sends me flowers for no reason
96. Ignores my imperfections
97. Surprises me (good surprises)
98. Doesn't ever yell at me
99. Likes picnics
100. Likes to clean
.... more but it doesnt fit here.

17 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4615 21:48

haha oh wow

18 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4615 21:50

No we all just legitimately hate women

19 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4615 21:59


I don't know about that. The male prison population is quite high for violent crimes.

20 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4615 23:53

It is not so much all american women, just WHITE american women.

21 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4615 23:57

Posting in a stupid thread.

22 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4616 05:46

Posting in a legendary thread.

23 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4616 06:57

>>9 From the Philippines. Seriously, the only difference between what are more or less city women in any country is the language we're all speaking. There's no difference.

24 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4616 07:26

>>23 signed!

25 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4616 13:37

I am in fact all those things. There's so much competition for me that I can get laid any time I want. Why would I settle down with her?

26 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4616 14:05

>>25 good point made.

27 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4616 14:44

i think this one's still the best

96. Ignores my imperfections

why would a "perfect guy" go out with a pretentious bitch ?

28 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4616 17:07


>It is not so much all american women, just WHITE american women.

Black women make white women seem meek, giving and demur. Latino women are all psyco whores waiting to turn into catholic brood mares.

Face it, man; American women are fucking worthless. Homosex FTW!

29 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4616 19:13

>>28 You must not know many black or latino women other than the ones on TV or in ghettos. There are also asian american women too, not just black, hispanic, and white. Mulatto/creole women are very nice as well.

30 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4616 20:53

> asian american women

they are the worst of the batch!

31 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4616 22:35

 ( ´_⊃`)   Hey, >>28, you fucking fag, just because I
 (    )  hate women doesn't mean I'm no goddamn homo!
 | | |  

32 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4617 00:40

Oh, don't be that way. Come over here and suck my cock. It will calm you right down. P.S. I'm a woman, so it's not gay.

33 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4617 05:58

# Smells good
# Doesn't lie
# Likes kids
# Makes me the center of his world
# Not in trouble with the law
# Isn't a goody-goody
# Doesn't stare at other girls
# Doesn't talk to other girls more than me
# Doodles our names on paper
# Likes to draw
# Leaves notes on my car
# Let's me go out with him and his friends
# Will hang out with me and my friends
# Puts pictures of me in his car and wallet
# Gets jealous but not too jealous
# Dependable
# Doesn't hang up on me
# Calls me babe, sweetie, etc
# Calls me cute pet names
# Isn't conceited
# Isn't a penny-pincher
# Likes sports and going to sports events
# Likes to play board games/video games and lets me win
# Doesn't play mind games
# Doesn't just think about sex
# Cares about world issues
# Doesn't make me cry
# Leaves sweet voicemails/text messages on my phone
# Isn't shy
# Has hopes, dreams, and wishes
# Not opinionated
# Will watch chick flicks even if he doesn't like them
# Can spell

34 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4617 15:04

35 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4627 22:34

If this happens, the only marriage will continue to happen is if the gay ppl do it.

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