Wow, is goldeneye the best game ever? (2)

1 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4628 08:08

I just played the revolutionary Goldeneye again.

Aside from featuring brilliant level design, a nice story, perfect controls, and very good music, it introduced so much else to the FPS genre:

-Realistic Weapons
-Zoom functions
-Objective based Missions
-Time records

Its brilliant multiplayer mode was also unique for any game on any console.

But what's most important: the single player mode is still great to play.

Get your N64 out, pop in Goldeneye and play Bunker 2 on 00 Agent.

It's fucking tense. It's better than 99% of the games released today.

2 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4628 10:01

lol, western games.

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