This thread is going places!
I like to go and 2GET
This thread isn't going anywhere!
ITT we are DOA
See thread.
I'm hopping in for the ride
We're goin' nowhere, fast!
Nice man. Yeah, he smiles, and he gets angry, sometimes. But he's a groovy guy. Yeah, Lupin the third. Go. Go, man. You've got to. Feel it. Yeah, Lupin. Yeah, Lupin. You're great.
This thread went. And now it's back. It will soon be going again.
>>9 i think your mother said the same thing.
Zoom, thread! Zoom, Zoom, Zoom!
lets go drag racing with that snail
lets not
woah there bucko! the thread nearly clipped a leaf
Are we there yet?
This thread has now landed in Sweden
Let's go to Germany now. This thread can go racing on the autobahn.
This thread has made it to my left breast.
Given the size of my breasts, the E.T.A. of this thread to my right breast should be in 2.18 hours.
Did you get gas and input it ITT like you're supposed to?
At the price that stuff costs, I couldn't afford to.
Anyway, it seems the majority of cars in Germany use Diesel, as it is more cost effective.
That wasn't a question.
Wait, am I even in the right thread?
Woah there! nice thread! Shall we 23get?
someone please expain to me WHAT THE FUCK is this paper trying to say?
It carries out and is ば
Speaking of >>25's link, I carried out a を click and started reading that page the "じょう way".
But... the writing of ば, there was, and I stopped at the "けん fence".
That page is recognized well!
Is this thread going yet?
This thread is going 'BU-N'
Do you really want to learn where this thread is going?
This thread is going to hell in a handbasket.