I'm Japanese Any Question? (26)

1 Name: Keiro the Mario Master : 1993-09-4637 05:21

I live in Bothel

2 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4637 07:04


3 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4637 07:43


4 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4637 08:04

Are you the one who thought Super Mario Galaxy was a good idea?

5 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4637 08:42

How many love hotels have you been to?

6 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4637 09:36

anata wa kawaii desu ka?

7 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4637 10:29

what does whale meat taste like? (Please don't say chicken)

8 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4637 10:46

>>6, you sound like you're trying to ask out a nun. Stop it.

9 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4637 13:47

>> 7


10 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4637 14:14

Is Bothel anywhere near Himeji? I went to Himeji once and it was a nice town.

11 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4637 14:15

Why do you have such a shit culture that only pasty white nerds who have never had sex before and never will because they are overweight losers seem to enjoy?

12 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4637 15:21

>pasty white

I though they were little yellow men.

13 Name: Keiro the Mario Master : 1993-09-4637 22:20

>>2 MAX 20cm
>>3 NO
>>4 Yes but not in this case
>>5 None
>>6 Some of Girl say that
>>7 USA band Whale meat when I was baby
>>8 ?
>>9 no
>>10 I live in Bothell but no
>>11 I dunno
>>12 I'm yellow and I'm Asian

14 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4637 23:33

Have you met any COREANS that have demanded apology juice from you?

15 Name: My name is Squeeks and ... : 1993-09-4639 04:25

Is it true that Japanese people really don't like China or Corea NIDA? (An Asian powderkeg if you will..)

16 Name: My name is Squeeks and ... : 1993-09-4639 05:11

Keiro the Mario Master
>>14 NO
>>15 We never hate China and Korea but they hate us.

 Most of US people think we hate China and Korea but
Most of people never hate or no care

17 Name: Korea : 1993-09-4639 06:04

Give us apology juice, Japan!

18 Name: My name is Squeeks and ... : 1993-09-4639 07:25

I'm from Alaska, we get tons of tourists who come here and think snow is the greatest thing ever.

What's up with that?

19 Name: My name is Squeeks and ... : 1993-09-4639 08:57

( ゚ ヮ゚) I like snow because gives me an excuse to use my mittens!

20 Name: My name is Squeeks and ... : 1993-09-4639 11:27

( ゚ ヮ゚) I like snow because detective mon said daddy me snow me stab someone down the lane, a licky boom boom down!

21 Name: Keiro the Mario Master : 1993-09-4639 21:50

>>17 we apology enough no need for apology anymore
>>18 Because some of Japanese can't ever seen snow, we like snow to enjoy
>>19 that right
>>20 ... no comment

22 Name: Keiro the Mario Master : 1993-09-4639 21:50

>>17 we apology enough no need for apology anymore
>>18 Because some of Japanese can't ever seen snow, we like snow to enjoy
>>19 that right
>>20 ... no comment

23 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4639 22:06

Are there any Japanese people named Squeeks?

24 Name: My name is Squeeks and ... : 1993-09-4640 00:00


25 Name: My name is Squeeks and ... : 1993-09-4640 00:01

hey, the katakana version is a palindrome!

26 Name: Keiro the Mario Master!e.FqsY.OU2 : 1993-09-4640 02:01

>>23 nada
>>24 got it
>>25 sorry

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