日本人です。よろしく!!! (3)

1 Name: My name is Squeeks and ... : 1993-09-4639 13:06

 /  l⌒l   O | ̄| O  ヽ   ̄ ̄/    ̄ ̄/    ‐┼‐  ─‐ _|_   ‐┼─   /
 |   |  |    / |    |    lノ ー   lノ ー   ‐┼‐       /   / __| ヽ  |  \  
 ヽ、. |  |    ├ー┤   ノ    ノ      ノ      (___   (___  / し  / (丿\  し

2 Name: My name is Squeeks and ... : 1993-09-4639 13:53


3 Name: My name is Squeeks and ... : 1993-09-4639 14:14


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