What do you think of Japan? (29)

26 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4656 13:31

I'd like to see it, but it ain't Nirvana. It's just like any small town in Mississippi, except for a few things.

1.) Anime/Manga.
2.) They don't say y'all when speaking English
3.) They have a lot of hi-tech gadgets, instead of cars in their front yards

Other than that -- well
1.) They hate everybody who doesn't look like them
2.) They think their culture is better
3.) Some minor segments want to relive the "glory days" (Confederacy for the South, Jap Empire in Japan)
4.) They're all related to each other.

Hey at least they don't marry their DIRECT cousins.

Am I mocking Mississippi or Japan? I forget...

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