He didn't have any sentences to begin with.
muh dick > My Sentences
Damn you guys, that's really mean. I'm crying. ;_______;
My Sentences is the next !bhb.NJHtRg
My Sentenceses is jisaku jien. lets figure out the trips so we can all be jisaku jien.
My Sentences was the man who shot Jesse Custer.
Just do tcsregex '^[3E]p[1Il][S25]'
and let it run for a while. And if you don't have tcsregex.c, well, suicide is the answer in that case.
>>7trip -c '^[3E]p[1Il][S25]'
works, too... and it's probably faster on my machine...
My Sentences totally ripped me off, therefore being a fake My Sentences and a poor immitation of the REAL Squeeks.
you are i think 5th asshole coming to dqn and trying to fuck it up. being popular in dqn is nothing important in life, so if that's what you are trying to do it's worthless. go fuck with http://becauseitswinter.com/ or something.
>>10 is an anonyfag who thinks anonymity gives him power to be abusive while hiding, when actually he's just a wittle coward.
This does NOT take away from the fact that My Sentences is a silly kid.
I have a name and it's on the Internet.
Correction, >>10. Being IN DQN is nothing important in life. Whether you popst your bullshit anonymously or with a name, it still stinks just as badly. Therefore, I'm an official member of AA: Anonymity Anonymous.
Besides, if I turn out to be the destruction of 4-ch... that would be... nice.
Oh shi-
Hahaha, disregard that, I suck cocks.
> if I turn out to be the destruction of 4-ch
why is this thread still here? wtf.
this thread sucks dick like the rest of those wannabe "let's get 1000 be stupid"
$ genprefixlist 3 p 1Il 2 > my_sentences
$ 4brute-p5 -r -R my_sentences
4brute using 'John 1.7.1 / 128/128 BS SSE2'
Starting search from "n04JT#9:"
Searching through (randomised): TkGigfe[AxjLc.BOQ#Da)uK8}`w3zoXl2ZW7H(]N5bvYpP*E9M1h+-!$/V0tndICsqR6yJS_:r{m4UF
Number of users scanned: 192 from my_sentences
"3pl2hcA.Ds" == xJ "DxJJT#9:" for 3pl2h
"3p12/qWvp." == zB "zzBDT#9:" for 3p12/
"3pl2NNzJJE" == ws "xwsST#9:" for 3pl2N
"3p12/qWvp." == zB "zzBDT#9:" for 3p12/
"3pl2NNzJJE" == ws "xwsST#9:" for 3pl2N
"3pl2S7brX6" == 8. "J8}kk#9:" for 3pl2S
"3pl2.y.pZQ" == KW "CKWTk#9:" for 3pl2.
"3p12AlXeRU" == hd "Thd3k#9:" for 3p12A
"3pl2DvCTcQ" == xf "Yx`$k#9:" for 3pl2D
"3p12U6Ty9k" == FM "_FMAG#9:" for 3p12U
"3p12FPlaFE" == WR "}WRIG#9:" for 3p12F
"3p12/6xkhc" == o. "do$-i#9:" for 3p12/
"3pI22/4cx2" == .p "0!p2g#9:" for 3pI22
Aborting at 'F#Rqg#9:' after 239540736 crypt, 22 inner, 1779344 salts, 13 found
'John 1.7.1 / 128/128 BS SSE2' => Real: 547s, 437kcps
'John 1.7.1 / 128/128 BS SSE2' => Virt: 373s, 642kcps
My Sentances didn't study at the Derek Zoolander Foundation For Kids Who Can't Read Good and Want To Learn Stuff