A very large number of tripcode users have appeared on dqn.
This is a positive development!
ITT (in this thread lol!) we CELEBRATE the new diversity we trip code posters bring with our various Alternate Sexualities.
I'll start. I like to wear furs. Not furhomosexuals. Furs.
Stoles, coats, etc.
What about you, >>2?
>>1 is an instigator. You don't deserve any love or responses. I declare this thread to be spiritually permasaged, and politely request that no one post here after me.
I like to stoles coats.
I'm a Tripfag, but I'm not going to celebrate it here. Instead, I will post anonymously and pretend to be ashamed of myself. Watch me be ashamed of myself.
That was me, actually I don't have to pretend. I'm deeply ashamed of all of us.
Especially me.
Say it loud!
I'm ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ and I'm proud!
so I herd you like tripcodes
Tripcodes make me go 'b-uh'!
I am the hero of DQN!
This thread sucks dick in a gay fashion.
This thread sucks dick like the rest of those 'gay homosexual men'!
How do I fight the elitist superstructure?
If it is true here is what you do
Nobody has ever found out MY tripcode. I don't need a secure one.
After close examination, I have unbanned >>10. But remember, I'm watching you!
Hi! I'm going to suck 10 dicks!
triippcodeys are thooo koowl!!
We tripfags are the best. We'll show those anonymous kotephos who's in charge here!