ITT we make a really long song (1000)

1 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4660 02:02

>>267 Title.

>>2-51 First verse.
>>52-66 Chorus.
>>67-116 Second verse.
>>52-66 Chorus.
>>117-166 Third verse.
>>52-66 Chorus.
>>167-216 Fourth verse.
>>52-66 Chorus.
>>217-266 Fifth verse.
>>52-66 Chorus.
>>268-317 Sixth verse.
>>52-66 Chorus.
>>318-367 Seventh verse.
>>52-66 Chorus.
>>368-417 Eighth verse.
>>52-66 Chorus.
>>418-467 Ninth verse.
>>52-66 Chorus.
>>468-517 Tenth verse.
>>52-66 Chorus.
>>519-568 Eleventh verse.
>>52-66 Chorus.
>>569-600 Bridge 1.
>>601-650 Twelfth verse.
>>52-66 Chorus.
>>651-700 Thirteenth verse.
>>52-66 Chorus.
>>701-750 Fourteenth verse.
>>52-66 Chorus.
>>751-800 Fifteenth verse.
>>52-66 Chorus.
>>801-825 Bridge 2.
>>2-51 First verse encore.
>>117-166 Third verse encore.
>>52-66 Chorus.
>>826-875 Sixteenth verse.
>>52-66 Chorus.
>>876-925 Seventeenth verse.
>>52-66 Chorus.
>>926-975 Eighteenth verse.
>>52-66 Chorus.
>>976-999 Bridge 3.
>>67-116 Second verse encore.
>>2-26 First verse partial encore (x2).
>>52-66 Chorus.
>>1000 Throw.
>>52-66 Chorus.
>>52-66 Chorus (with occasional, repeated shouts of >>1000).
>>518 Last line.

2 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4660 02:02

A long, long time ago I can still remember

3 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4660 02:03

when Sakura used to make me smile.

4 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4660 02:07

It was back, back, back with a lack of friendly tact

5 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4660 02:13

had me givin' any ho a pimp smack

6 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4660 02:57

Falling all alone to the ocean floor

7 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4660 02:58

Just to see how they would react
and if it felt moé

8 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4660 03:41

for a while

9 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4660 05:10

missus can you give me some bread today

10 Name: STOP : 1993-09-4660 05:41


11 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4660 05:46

Give me back my money - I need it ;-;

12 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4660 06:18

My name is Squeeks and no.

13 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4660 07:18

Ain't got a dime but I ain't doin' time

14 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4660 09:06

For thieving from the corner stone- nuthin' but a lime

15 Name: Tripcode!uj/koSf.Zc : 1993-09-4660 09:12

'Cause somethingawful is better than eBaum's world, but they both suck...

16 Name: Elitest Superstructure!006z00sOUM : 1993-09-4660 10:01

Please change the wordfilter for 'loli' back to 'duck'

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