This is the discussion thread for
It's too long.
It's gonna be epic.
It will be heralded for ages in kingdoms around the world... maybe by DQN'ers around a BBS.
Or it might just get to 100 or so before we lose interest and let it sink to the bottom.
That song is sucking so far.
under the moon loli to issho
You may not have known, but there is a secret tripcode cabal. Its members are going to ruin this song, wa ha ha ha.
All the tripfags are the same person. Your "cabal" is one fourteen-year-old retard sitting in a basement making posts about himself. We're quaking in our boots, really.
my superstructure can beat up your cabal
cabal was an old arcade gam that was a war simulation. It used a trackball for control.
Shit, you figured me out! ...I mean, us out... I mean, no, that's not true!
our affiliation can beat up your superstructure
So uh, how about that song eh?
under the moon loli to issho
I don't get how to sing the AA kikkoman verse, does one just say the name of each character or what
For your musical enjoyment, we'll wikify the song as we go along at
I think that all instances of "HaI 2 U mFkIN EMO FKERS" should be spiritually replaced with "under the moon loli to issho". Agree or disagree?
they're both equally dumb, let it be.
Both pretty shitty.
I vote we replace them with "⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ BU-N!"
I second this capital idea
Dutch law permits sex between an adult and a person as young as 12 if the younger person consents.
What age do they have to be for it be legal if one of them doesn't consent?
What if the older person doesn't consent?
You have to be at least 18 to be legally able to rape
>>26 No. If you are male you can be charge with rape even underage. They don't charge girls.
Fucking american legal system.
It will be the title soon! I hope it will be Under the moon loli to issho!
- The LifeWave™ Gas Patch is a new technology that consists of nanotechnology hydrocarbon structures that passively interact using fractional distillation in conjunction with ortho-molecular nanoantennas for the purpose of inducing electron flow and thermomagnetic holographic frequency modulation, just like a tuning fork. The patch tells the engine, "More energy, please!"
If I apply the gas patch to my ass, will I break wind?
i reckon that there is too many under the moon loli to issho. I hereby motion to replace every second occurance of under the moon loli to issho with something else.
Under the moon loli to issho
Yeah, that's what we should replace it with. That gets us some good variety.
That song sure has gone downhill, eh? I mean it was really good back around 300GET, but now it just sucks.
As if it will ever be over
Without a >>1000 the song is doomed :(
We'll see about that.
>>33 Actually, I think we should replace every occurance with something else.
It's over! It's all over! ('A')!!
Dear guy who got all of the last lines,
Thank you for not posting the same thing over and over again.
-Captain Obvious
Dear guy who got all of the last lines,
Thank you for not posting the same thing over and over again.
-Captain Obvious
Dear guy who got all of the last lines,
Thank you for not posting the same thing over and over again.
-Captain Obvious
So, when do we get a mp3? Get to work already! ;)
We need to set up a collaboration thing if we don't want it to be sung by Virtual Singer!
Also, completely wikichaned already, but I guess the counter has not been updated since forever.
modget is failget amirite?
Squeeks-babychan, you're the shiznit, the real deal!
Squeeks, you should go into a solo career!
lol internet
:mystery solved: