(・∀・) What was life like before the internet, Grandpa?
( ゚ ヮ゚) MITTENS!
キタ━( ´∀)゚∀゚)・ω・) ゚Д゚)・∀・)´Д`)´_ゝ
)`Д´) ゚ ヮ゚)━!!!!
/ ̄ヽ
⊂| ◎ ‖ Gotta have soy sauce on sunny-side up.
ヽ ゚∀゚丿\|
__ 〃ヽ〈_
/⌒ ィ /\ ); `ヽ-:,,
/ ノ^ 、 | 萬 | _人 | "-:,,
! ,,,ノ( \/ ノr;^ > ) \,
.| <_ \ヘ、,, , 、rノ/\ /: ヽ,,
|ヽ_/\ )ゝ、__, 、_ア〃 / \
| ヽ、___ ヽ.=┬─┬〈 ソ "-.,
| 〈J .〉、| 亀 |, |ヽ-´ ゝ
.| /"" | 甲 |: | ミ
| レ :| 男 .| リ "-:,,
| / ノ|__| | "-:,,
.| | ,, ソ ヽ ) ,,,-ー"
| .,ゝ ) イ ヽ ノ ,,,-ー"
.| y `レl 〈´ リ ,,,-ー"
| / ノ | | / """"
l ̄ ̄/ l ̄ ̄| ,,,-
〉 〈 `ー-ー-| |-ー"
/ ::| (_ \
(__ノ \___)
( ゚ ヮ゚) I love them so much
This post is not included in the song.
But the one after this will be.
ok now sage please. take your song and beat it.
we still need a title.
,,.、 _、、
/ };;゙ l ))we still need a title.
. ,i' / /
;;゙ ノ /
,r' `ヽ、 三
,i" ゙; 三
!. ,!''"´´';;⌒ヾ, (⌒;;
(⌒;; Д ,::'' |⌒l゙ 三 (⌒ ;;
I've stood at the brink and stared over the edge.
Kall'd 'm the kaiser
We Still Need A Title
"We Still Need A Title" by ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃
(・∀・) What was life like before the internet, Grandpa?
( ゚ ヮ゚) MITTENS!
キタ━( ´∀)゚∀゚)・ω・) ゚Д゚)・∀・)´Д`)´_ゝ)`Д´) ゚ ヮ゚)━!!!!
/ ̄ヽ
⊂| ◎ ‖ Gotta have soy sauce on sunny-side up.
ヽ ゚∀゚丿\|
__ 〃ヽ〈_
/⌒ ィ /\ ); `ヽ-:,,
/ ノ^ 、 | 萬 | _人 | "-:,,
! ,,,ノ( \/ ノr;^ > ) \,
.| <_ \ヘ、,, , 、rノ/\ /: ヽ,,
|ヽ_/\ )ゝ、__, 、_ア〃 / \
| ヽ、___ ヽ.=┬─┬〈 ソ "-.,
| 〈J .〉、| 亀 |, |ヽ-´ ゝ
.| /"" | 甲 |: | ミ
| レ :| 男 .| リ "-:,,
| / ノ|__| | "-:,,
.| | ,, ソ ヽ ) ,,,-ー"
| .,ゝ ) イ ヽ ノ ,,,-ー"
.| y `レl 〈´ リ ,,,-ー"
| / ノ | | / """"
l ̄ ̄/ l ̄ ̄| ,,,-
〉 〈 `ー-ー-| |-ー"
/ ::| (_ \
(__ノ \___)
well, this verse sucked...
If we try this enough times, it has to work eventually!
>>28 Title
>>3-7 First verse
>>8,9,1,4,13 Chorus
>>16,5,2 Second verse
>>2 Last Line
( ゚ ヮ゚) MITTENS!
( ゚ ヮ゚) I love them so much
キタ━( ´∀)゚∀゚)・ω・) ゚Д゚)・∀・)´Д`)´_ゝ)`Д´) ゚ ヮ゚)━!!!!
If we try this enough times, it has to work eventually!
>>28 Title
>>3-7 First verse
>>8,9,1,4,13 Chorus
>>16,5,2 Second verse
>>2 Last Line
( ゚ ヮ゚) MITTENS!
( ゚ ヮ゚) I love them so much
I like it.
That's great, now finish the long one, too