ITT We talk like 19th Century British (7)

1 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4716 01:17

Why I must say that is folly!

2 Name:   : 1993-09-4716 02:39


3 Name:   : 1993-09-4716 02:45

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From January 10 to February 3 busy with the census. I am enumerator
of the 16th district, and have to instruct the other (fifteen)
enumerators of our Bavykin Section. They all work superbly, except
the priest of the Starospassky parish and the Government official,
appointed to the Zemstvo, G., (who is in charge of the census
district); he is away nearly all the time in Serpukhovo, spends every
evening at the Club and keeps on wiring that he is not well. All the
rest of the Government officials of our district are also said to do

4 Name:   : 1993-09-4716 02:46

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A lady grumbles: "I write to my son that he should change his linen
every Saturday. He replies: 'Why Saturday, not Monday?' I answer:
'Well, all right, let it be Monday.' And he: 'Why Monday, not
Tuesday?' He is a nice honest man, but I get worried by him."

* * * * *

A clever man loves learning but is a fool at teaching.

* * * * *

The sermons of priests, archimandrites, and bishops are wonderfully
like one another.

* * * * *

One remembers the arguments about the brotherhood of man, public good,
and work for the people, but really there were no such arguments, one
only drank at the University. They write: "One feels ashamed of the
men with University degrees who once fought for human rights and
freedom of religion and conscience"--but they never fought.

* * * * *

Every day after dinner the husband threatens his wife that he will
become a monk, and the wife cries.

5 Name:   : 1993-09-4716 02:48

    , ∂´⌒ヽ∂ヽ
   レ (ノノソハ))リレノ
    .リ´Д` )リ
    ∩o=(i⌒i~`ー-、,_,.-=ー-- -- 、 _ __
    ヽ__ |  |_/_ i ヽ______!丶
Lenstchka liked dukes and counts in novels, not ordinary persons. She
loved the chapters in which there is love, pure and ideal not sensual.
Descriptions of nature she did not like. She preferred conversations
to descriptions. While reading the beginning she would glance
impatiently at the end. She did not remember the names of authors.
She wrote with a pencil in the margins: "Wonderful!" "Beautiful!" or
"Serve him right!"

6 Name:   : 1993-09-4716 02:49

He is dark, with little side-whiskers, dressed like a dandy, dark
eyes, a warm brunet. He exterminates bugs, talks about earthquakes and
China. His fiancée has a dowry of 8,000 roubles; she is very handsome,
as her aunt says. He is an agent for a fire-insurance company, etc.
"You're awfully pretty, my darling, awfully. And 8,000 into the
bargain! You are a beauty; when I looked at you to-day, a shiver ran
down my back."

* * * * *

_He_: Earthquakes are caused by the evaporation of water.

* * * * *

Names: Goose, Pan, Oyster.

"Were I abroad, they would give me a medal for such a surname."

* * * * *

I can't be said to be handsome, but I am rather pretty.

7 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4716 08:00

>>1 i'm sure you'll come after rading these.
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