( -) Stop it.
(G߄t) h-how did you know?
don't worry we won't look, thats a promise of a lifetime.
( -)
( ` OL) FAKER!
( *L `) ʧʧ
Nice guy fap
(@ ) I came in my mittens!
(@ ) Squish Mittens!
( ܄t) MITTENS! That's unhygienic!
(@ -) ..sorry..
( -) I can't really masturbate without you watching.
( EցE) i can't really watch without you masturbating
( -) I can't really masturbate with you touching me.
( -) Technically, that qualifies as sex.
biku biku
( *L `) ʧʧ
( L `) ʧʧ
( L `) Mittens
I really can't masturbate unless you are b&