Please update this board software to latest version of kareha. That way we can use the "preview" option to see what our AA will look like after posting. This will help us AA editors who have no software available for them, a sharp contrast to our Japanese counterparts.
THank you.
( __ )
( ・∀・) < My name is Squeeks and this belongs in /requests/.
(つ つ
| | |
there is another board?
(・∀・) yeah.
You mean americans actually make ascii art?
this is news to me
not american.
I doubt there are more than 2 americans on this board.
Did he call me a mendicant, Remo?
its Igloo Quality
age quality
(・∀・) i'm german
(・∀・) (・∀・)
(・∀・) (・∀・)
(・∀・) (・∀・)
(・∀・) (・∀・)
(・∀・) (・∀・)
Turning more and more into phpbb everyday.
>>15 fucking guest, who are you?
Now, the title;
The Elitist Superstructure of DQN @ 4-ch
should be changed to
The Elitist Superstructure of DQN
so yeah, we need to change the title
all of dqn
1: squeeks, (visits once a month.)
2: halcyon, (visits a few times a week)
3: that guy on etherchan that edits song shit
4: that other guy that edits dqn shit
5: winter
6: occational 4chan tard.
9. Jisaku Jien
10. Jisaku Jien
11. ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃
12. ((/ デ.ㄟ) Ignoring me again...
If I am actually that large of a percentage of 4-ch users, why wasn't I chosen to be an moderator?
And >>20 forgot EVERYONE on the moderator list, as seen in /request/
Btw, have you considered joining our friendly community? Now with more mittens and viagra ads than EVER before. NEW: SHOE SPAMMERS!
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(;::::: `つ <-- is there someone?