You don't. Now stop using it. Forever.
man, dqn's hitting rock bottom.
Well, never mind all that, >>3.
This has nothing to do with this thread, but speaking of rock bottom, would you just listen to me for a little bit?
See, I went to penrobokai's LiveJournal today. Right. Rock Bottom.
I hadn't been there in a while, so I looked around a bit, and I noticed the appalling lack of updates.
What the hell's going on?
Over 120 days without a single entry from the guy.
Is he dead or something?
There are all kinds of wild rumors going around.
What if he really is dead? Or locked up in Dan Kim's basement? Or both?
Rock Bottom should be the fucking greatest LJ in the world, not an epitaph for it's dead author.
I'm not asking you what to do, but you, >>3, should ask yourself "What can I do?", and do everything you can to help solve this case.
and I said to myself, "I should stick to dqn"
No, you should stick with today's special.
>>7 good joke.
same person. now go back to 4chan.
same person. now go back to 4chan.
same person, now go back to 4chan.
>>13 good joke
same person