I am an American (2)

1 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4742 17:10

Seriously, who gives a fuck about other people? The world is all about me, myself and I. Fuck everyone else.

2 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4742 17:13

@@ @(Ζƒj@Ζ
@@ .< ЁMΝL> @@@Θ́ΘΝ
@@ @(Ζƒj@Ζ
@@ .< ЁMΝL> I demand aporogy juice and compensation
@@@.‚t__.||_i‚Β for having lost my chakra nida!
@@@ [l__.Κ_i
@@ @(Ζƒj@Ζ
@@ .< ЁMΝL> I demand aporogy juice and compensation
@@@.‚t__.||_i‚Β for having lost my chakra nida!
@@@ [l__.Κ_i
@@ @(Ζƒj@Ζ
@@ .< ЁMΝL> I demand aporogy juice and compensation
@@@.‚t__.||_i‚Β for having lost my chakra nida!
@@@ [l__.Κ_i
@@ @(Ζƒj@Ζ
@@ .< ЁMΝL> I demand aporogy juice and compensation
@@@.‚t__.||_i‚Β for having lost my chakra nida!
@@@ [l__.Κ_i
@@ @(Ζƒj@Ζ
@@ .< ЁMΝL> I demand aporogy juice and compensation
@@@.‚t__.||_i‚Β for h@@@Θ́ΘΝ
@@ @(Ζƒj@Ζ
@@ .< ЁMΝL> I demand aporogy juice and compensation
@@@.‚t__.||_i‚Β for havin@@@Θ́ΘΝ
@@ @(Ζƒj@Ζ
@@ .< ЁMΝL> I demand aporogy juice and compensation
@@@.‚t__.||_i‚Β for having lost my chakra nida!
@@@ [l__.Κ_i
@@ @(Ζƒj@Ζ
@@ .< ЁMΝL> I demand aporogy juice and compensation
@@@.‚t__.||_i‚Β for having lost @@@Θ́ΘΝ
@@ @(Ζƒj@Ζ
@@ .< ЁMΝL> I demand aporogy juice and compensation
@@@.‚t__.||_i‚Β for having lost my chakra nida!
@@@ [l__.Κ_i
@@ @(Ζƒj@Ζ
@@ .< ЁMΝL> I demand aporogy juice and compensation
@@@.‚t__.||_i‚Β for having lost my chakra nida!
@@@ [l__.Κ_i
@@ @(Ζƒj@Ζ
@@ .< ЁMΝL> I demand aporogy juice and compensation
@@@.‚t__.||_i‚Β for having lost my chakra nida!
@@@ [l__.Κ_i
@@ @(Ζƒj@Ζ
@@ .< ЁMΝL> I demand aporogy juice and compensation
@@@.‚t__.||_i‚Β for having lost my chakra nida!
@@@ [l__.Κ_i
@@@@Ύ.Ύmy chakra nida!
@@@ [l__.Κ_i
@@@@Ύ.Ύ@@@@Ύ.Ύg lost my chakra nida!
@@@ [l__.Κ_i
@@@@Ύ.Ύaving lost my chakra nida!
@@@ [l__.Κ_i
@@@ [l__.Κ_i

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