>>1 has his head so far up his ass he can taste yesterdays dinner.
>>2 posted in an extra thread that is not needed in any way and should be saged and thrown out
>>3 has forgotten that CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR AWESOME, and this thread has more CAPS LOCK, so it is AWESOMER
Even though e.e. cummings died in 1962, he still manages to give >>4 a sound thrashing on a daily basis.
>>14 is just as lame as http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1156543859/
>>15 doesn't know that thread is beating this one.
>>16 is a pussy who gives up way to easily. Ain't that right, PUSSY?
>>19 thinks the Clonepa thread is awesome but doesn't have the guts to admit such
>>20 hits reply before checking what they wrote in the name and link boxes
>>21 is a politically correct feminatzi bitch.
>>22 can't spell nazi
>>23 saged the wrong thread like the brain-damaged drooling panty-sniffing lap dog that he is.
>>24 bumped the shitty thread
>>27 is stupid for bumping the wrong thread
>>26 is a profoundly retarded shitpile who gets his threads confused.
>>28 eats mittens ( ß-ß)
>>30 is stupid for bumping the wrong thread
>>33 will defend his Wii against all comers, but do it in a profoundly stupid and annoying way.
>>36 loves horses, in that special way that leads to acute peritonitis.
>>49 crys himself to sleep at night because of the things they say on daytime T.V.
>>51 likes the feel of wool against his penis
>>53 is not an Elitist.
>>54 Is a DQN McCarthyist
| The STFU Truck |||""'|""\__,_
| _____________ l||||__|)
>>59 is the bastard beside me that ordered the extra sauce"
>>61 Is just a child and should just screw off and stay home.
>>63 is winter
>>71 is a fat weaboo faggot who shits in his socks while jacking off to Cardcaptor Sakura porn
>>76 is a 16 year old who does nothing but sleep, watch anime, play games, and recently, study.
>>80 is obvisouly not 30-60 age group, hence, thinks that is an insult.
>>93, in his travels about the globe, discovered the secret internet humor burial ground. Now he's devoted his life to reviving long dead jokes, even though nobody thinks they're funny any more.
>>97 didn't begin his sentence at all, it is still waiting.
>>98 began serving his 20-year sentence for child molestation.
>>99 lives in the top city that searches for CP
>>100 provided the CP
>>115 is
>>117 has nose-envy
>>120's excessive fatitude and faggy little neckbeard make him look like an amish hot air balloon.
>>121's homophobia is an expression of his own latent homosexuality.
>>122's sage only reveals his [or rather, HER] hidden insecurities about her own post.
>>123 eats so much he needs one of those little scooter things to get around.
>>128 posted a "hay i'm new here" thread after giving 10 bux and got banned on the same day
>>129 did the same, only he paid another ten bux just to do it again.
>>130 got banned for using a worn out unfunny and long-dead catchphrase, and has developed an irrational hatred of all things SA because of it before going back to /b/ and spamming the hell out of the same stupid catchphrase.
>>145 is a big gaylord, and smells of wee, and rides a girls bike, and has crap trainers
>>146 needs TP for his bunghole
>>147 is a dummy!!!
>>152 tried so hard and came so far, but in the end, it didn't even matter.
>>153 tried to fart and aimed so far, but in the end, it only made him fatter.
>>159 couldn't come up with better
broke the standard with his extraordinary insightful deduction, on very rare occasions even posts like his will make impact. And the tide ensuing will bear amazement and inspipiration even future generations in the present, past and future "ITT we insult the poster above us" threads will feel within them.
@@i@@@@j @_QQQQQ
@@b b@|
>>163 enjoys Japanese porn
>>171's mom should've checked that condom for holes... Then again, what heroin-hoar still does that? all that matters are the $10 for the next shot...
>>177's name is Squeeks.
>>179 is trapped in the eternally repeating month of September 1993, being brutally murdered at the end of each iteration.
>>181 couldn't program a pocket calculator
>>185 Is a quarter of Grandpa's age, yet looks thrice as old as him.
>>191 is a butthead
>>192 sages because deep down he knows everything he posts sucks.
>>193 only writes sucking comments in the hope that they will suck him for once.
>>195 wishes his daily diet were long, hard shafts of wood.
>>198 had his replaced with a long, hard shaft of wood due to an unfortunate lumberjacking accident.
>>199 wishes he had an unfortunate lumberjacking incident instead of missing 200 GET.
let 200 get fall away due to short comings in the pants
let 200 get fall away due to short comings in the pants
>>202 makes no sense, and doesn't know how to single click
>>204 doesn't know how to age and so is trapped in the eternally repeating month of September 1993, being brutally murdered at the end of each iteration.
>>205 Doesn't realize that the month of September 1993 hasn't ended yet,
>>207 is too much of a pussy not to perpetuate the string of non-insults. Pussy.
>>208 offers free candy and a ride in his nice car to little boys in scout uniforms
>>211 loves to use the words like "dick" "cock" "fuck" and think they are funny.
>>213 has not read properly the poster above him and actually loses the threads.
>>221 doesn't know what to do with his life
Understood the concept of time the minute he died of lupus.
>>229 is all out of smoked cheese, if you know what I mean.
>>235 is a feminist democrat.
same furson
>>249 is so self-obsessed with trolling around and stubbornly pushing his inconsequential fucking opinion that he can't even tell the difference between a cunt and the layers of fat that have covered up his dick. He should get outside and get a fucking life.
same furson
>>257 bores people with the difference between 1GB and 1000MB
>>262 has ill-conceived notions about locations of streets
refers to poultry
>>266 fantasizes about unnecessary carriage returns
>>267 has a line-feed fetish
>>268 believes that if he only had a pussy, he'd finally be able to win that lemmings level (level n00b)
>>269 is the reason lemmings throw themselves off a cliff.
>>272 was a rightwing activist, but made a sudden, random swing to the hardcore left side
whilst visiting his dead sisters came down with a severe case of bonitis
>>282 is stupid enough to bring us closer to Godwin's law
Is this how you normally fuck? Or did you leave your penis at home?
>>290 didn't know the WORD enema until reading this topic.
>>294 played the enema game strictly by the book up to level 60
>>297 was proud of his ability to cast Fireball when he reached level 5
>>298 spent a week eating various foods in an unsuccessful attempt to produce flammable farts
>>302 hasn't got a dibbideedooo jibbajibba scabbity-doo
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ /_QQ_^R@@@@@@@@@@
@@@ (.MR(M„A@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@^''''''@@@'''''':::::@ hello im daddycool the VIPPE Rjoin my community of VIPPERS if you payme enough i will give you access to a private area of VIP QUALITY ;)
@@ @ `'ƒMTr'Ì_@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@{@ | iœj,@@¤iœj¤.:|@{@@ http://dis.4chan.org/vip/
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runs a elitistic forum you've got to pay for view.
>>317 Hello, you have confused this thread with the insult thread. You will migrate over to it now, thank you.
people don't talk to >>320, although that's what it looks like. They're only trying to make his clothes feel less depressed for having to keep around this guy all the time.
>>326 likes the smell of his current girlfriend's tampons.
>>328 likes the smell of "natural vanilla flavor", which is made from antifreeze.
>>340's mom is a lot of F-UN.
>>341,340,339 can't spell BU-N
>>342 is a weeaboone
>>344 puts asparagus in his ass
omae wa....
>>356 needs to get that carrot out of his ass and stop being moe
@@@-]]- A
!@ !@l|,.iÉl_Éj@@@@@@@Sorry we just ran out of that
i @˜§-]@|! i
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>>362 has enough communication deficiencies to call himself Rei
>>363 is that fucktard who keeps trying to rename Rei 'Guu'.
>>364 is a shitmitten who still thinks fucktard is a trendy putdown.
>>365 has a particularly nasty method for classifying different types of shitmittens
>>369 has just been banned.
>>370 lives by the motto "if you can't wear mittens, ban those that can."
>>371 thinks Euler's number is just another telephone number
>>372 uses telephones
>>373 is so profoundly retarded that he thinks "uses telephones" is an insult.
>>376 had to look up the word 'dictionary' in a dictionary.
>>377 is the peeking giko in http://blog38.fc2.com/h/henta/file/20061110151551.gif
>>380 won't tell us how to bypass the hotlink protection
>>381 doesn't know how to copy+paste a link to send a blank referrer
>>382 says this all the time: "Aaaauuuuurrr! Pim pim pim pim aaaaauuuuuurrrr! Pim pim pim pim."
>>387 thinks that the 'creative juices' people are said to have are in his scrotum. Accordingly, he concludes that only men can be creative.
>>391 is gonna get raped by kuma for being a smart loli
>>394's atomtheory about atoms being tonnes of microscopic spaceships, governed by a hypersentient intelligence, sucks, and I am Jesus.
The theory is actually true desu~^^.
>>403 suffers from Iku Iku Byo but doesn't know it. (for all you nitwits, google it)
>>404 not found for the 3rd time.
>>415 has been saged.
>>417 I'm going to tell you this gently. While we know what you were trying to do, and it was a noble effort, it was phrased less than perfectly. No one ever likes to hear this, but what you've done is commonly known as "fail." This may seem harsh, but "failing" is one of the ways we grow. People can be pretty nasty about this sort of thing, but I'm sure at heart you are a pretty nice, and fundamentally decent individual. It is with this thought that I'd like to gently suggest that you undertake a course of "lurking more" and for a greater percentage of time than you have up to this point, and also, for a longer period.
>>420 just posts in this thread instead of helping this board get better.
>>425 must be a chav. Most people think reading is a worthwhile activity.
>>434 is just one of the new posters here, trying to bring in external memes and getting them excepted.
>>435 doesn't know the difference between 'excepted' and 'accepted.'
>>437 wrongly accuses people of misspelling things when really they have used the correct spelling. O.o
>>442 has his own personal kareha installation where he changes the date to 1993-09-5000 and faps to it.
>>447 thinks he's into IT for being able to change the text on a button in Visual Basic
>>448 doesn't know how to change the text on a button in Visual Basic.
>>450 will get himself in the guinness book of records one of these days if he continues his hobby of "filling own orifices with multiple blunt, elongated objects"
>>454 eagerly awaits the day he can show his child his 'secret place'.
>>462 frequently dresses as a panda and fondles himself
>>464 lovingly made the suit out of his own armpit hair
>>466 thinks armpit hair on men is actually unnatural.
>>468 lovingly maintains a mulch pit that's 98% armpit hair
>>469 being unable to grow armpit hair himself, steals from those who can.
>>473 spells 'refresh button' like this 'refreshbutton.'
>>477 thinks he's a unix guru because he uses the unbuntu desktop his friend installed for him to surf the web
>>488 didn't use a full stop, or 'period' as it is known to our American cousins.
That fucker >>491 better watch his back AND his front.
>>494 better not shout, because Squeeks is coming to town
the emperor has no clothes
>>497 is one of those idiots that keep missing the point
>>499 both knows they can't from personal experience, and left the field wide open for 500GET
>>500 would resemble a cleanly transparent baggie if you beat all the shit out of him.
>>502 is probably exactly the sort who's going to go and tell a teacher
>>509 circle jerks with his stuffed animal collection.
Because nobody else likes him.
And that's not a bad thing, that's a good thing.
>>513 circlejerks on his stuffed animals while wearing emergency mittens
>>514 keeps clicking on the emergency mittens button and jacks off while doing so
function mittensFall() { if (!getRefToDivNest("snFlkDiv0")) { return; } var scrWidth = 0, scrHeight = 0, scrollHeight = 0, scrollWidth = 0; if (typeof window.innerWidth == "number") { scrWidth = window.innerWidth; scrHeight = window.innerHeight; } else { if (document.documentElement && (document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.documentElement.clientHeight)) { scrWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth; scrHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; } else { if (document.body && (document.body.clientWidth || document.body.clientHeight)) { scrWidth = document.body.clientWidth; scrHeight = document.body.clientHeight; } } } if (typeof window.pageYOffset == "number") { scrollHeight = pageYOffset; scrollWidth = pageXOffset; } else { if (document.body && (document.body.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollTop)) { scrollHeight = document.body.scrollTop; scrollWidth = document.body.scrollLeft; } else { if (document.documentElement && (document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.documentElement.scrollTop)) { scrollHeight = document.documentElement.scrollTop; scrollWidth = document.documentElement.scrollLeft; } } } for (var x = 0; x < numFlakes; x++) { if (ycoords[x] * scrHeight > scrHeight - pictureHeight) { ycoords[x] = 0; } var divRef = getRefToDivNest("snFlkDiv" + x); if (!divRef) { return; } if (divRef.style) { divRef = divRef.style; } var oPix = document.childNodes ? "px" : 0; divRef.top = Math.round(ycoords[x] * scrHeight) + scrollHeight + oPix; divRef.left = Math.round(xcoords[x] * scrWidth - pictureWidth / 2 + scrWidth / ((numFlakes + 1) * 4) * (Math.sin(lrFlakes * ycoords[x]) - Math.sin(3 * lrFlakes * ycoords[x]))) + scrollWidth + oPix; ycoords[x] += downSpeed; } }
>>520 is too gay for a gay
>>522 is so politically correct, he will deny that Condi Rice and Hillary Clinton are great MILFs
>>523 is so fat, when he sits around the house, he sits AROUND the house am I right?
>>533 is so fat they roll outta bed and hit the ceiling
Somebody forgot to remind >>537 that you mash the potatoes AFTER you cook them.
@ iQQj@@@
@i QQ j@@@@
@i@EÍEj@ƒ@My name is Squeeks and this thread sucks dick
@i‚Â@@ ‚Â@@@ like the rest of those wannabe "Lets get to 2000 by".
@b b@|@@@@@
>>541 is obviously a girl do to obvious ad-hominem attacks.
>>548 listens to the heaviest metal
Only listens to metal because Maddox said it is manly
Listens to miko miko nurse long version at double speed.
>>555 actually likes it when Link from the terrible 1980s animated Zelda series says "Well excuuuuuuuUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuse ME Princess!"
When >>557 was around in the 1980s, he was AROUND in the 1980s!
Has DDR Danced to every version of DDR, to every song withing that version.
>>562 has dreams of being invited to choose the songs for the next DDR, and the developers will hug him and call him friend.
>> 565 dropped the dodongo
>>567 is going to be the next prostitute murdered in the UK
no 568
>>567's hobbies involve various barnyard animals and a lot of lube
>>576 will marry a panda
>>580 does not realize panda's are a menace to society
>>583 just realized the heart of The Elitist Superstructure
>>585 is the ugly girl around here.
>>588 is definetly the ugly girl around here.
>>589 is saying that just to cover up his ugliness+girlyness.
also, 590GET, only a matter of thyme before 599USD
>>590 be strokin'
He be strokin'
He stroke it to the east
and he stroke it to the west
and he stroke it to the woman
that he love best
>>593 is so ugly, when he was born, the doctor needed to put tinted windows on the incubator.
( Ü-Ü) < ô i'm a big fat butt.ô
(Ü-Ü ) < ô i'm a big fat butt.ô
( Ü-Ü) < ô i'm a big fat butt.ô
(Ü-Ü ) < ô i'm a big fat butt.ô
>>604 is a liberal democrat.
>>607 is a radical centerist
>>614 didn't get what masturbation was all about and jerked his dick california style.
Evidently, >>615 is well-practiced in many styles of masturbation.
You could say he is a Master of Bation.
>>621 jerked it to a science textbook when he was 11, because he didn't think about checking his dads sock drawer.
>>622 jacko'd himself to a biology text book, because it had a picture of a naked woman cross section.
...ew, I just grossed myself out. =S
>>623 jacked it to a world history textbook because it had a page dedicated to Japan.
>>624 jacks off to Wikipedia, especially the page about Lolicon
>>632 is so outdated, she actually warps the spacetime continuum around her
>>638 thought Magilla Gorilla was the height of cartoon hilarity.
>>639 obviously doesn't keep up with new happenings.
>>641 changes subject so fast that fucks with my head.
>>643 is the most popular entree at the all you can rape buffet.
>>644 is more stupid than stupid day at the stupid restaurant in idiotsville on stupid people get in free day.
>>646 is the lonely lonely inhabitant of Smartypants, Nebraska.
>>647 can't even make Employee-of-the-month at Retards-R-Us
>>649 would like somebody to cover his 15 minutes of retarded fame
>>650 wants to conceal the fact he suffers from terminal bonitis.
>>651 looked in a medical encyclopedia to find that term.
>>652 is sad that he can't afford any medical encyclopedias.
>>653 Is sad he can't afford to move out of his mommas house.
>>655 doesn't know that living in his momma's house is not a disease in the clinical sense
>>656 doesn't wear mittens often enough.
>>661 is a furry
>>665 does not care about anything, except for eating the neighbor's cat
>>666 couldn't bring himself to eat the neighbour's cat, even though he's a trained satanist
>>669 has not the mental agility to insult without resorting to AA
>>670 has no appreciation for art, the uncultured philistine
>>672 is a prancing aesthete, and most likely Continental in extraction
He is nothing more than your average retard pretending to be an intellect.
@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ÈQÈ@@@@
@@@@@ ÈQÈ @@@iL<_M @j@Ú@His mom probably spelled all the big words for him.
@@@@@i@L_T`j@@@ /@@Üi@@@@
P_@ ^@@ /PPPPP/.@|@@@@@
PP| /@@@./ @@FAIL@@/. |@|
É|||@|@@@@@@ ÜP
>>674 jumped off a school roof after losing 30 million yen in an envelope while setting his own house on fire
>>675 was excited because he thought the Wii was going to cost \599.
>>676 meant to say "599 Yen" (Lol insulting myself >v<)
>>681 suffered from sudden time jumps and ended up insulting the wrong person
>>682 is a true 21st century man...unfortunately in his case that means 2000bc, not 2000ad
>>701 typed in some random Japanese characters found on 2ch
>>702 ‚ªB
>>707 should pay enough to get access to get access to some private area of vip quality.
>>717 is an attention whore trying to hide the dark dark truth about himself.
>>722 has spent more time posting in this thread than anyone else.
>>723 is too stupid to know that we have 6 users and cannot afford to lose any.
>>736 is psychotic and vicious to the point where it just isn't enough to insult ONE poster, but TWO
>>737 is so mild houseplants look rowdy in comparison.
>>741 is trans-gender
>>750 sucks dick like the rest of those wannabe John Titors
>>757 will never earn enough money to travel to his land of dreams
The land of >>760's dreams is a private area of VIP QUALITY.
>>761 gave daddycool enough money to access a private area of VIP QUALITY.
>>764 posted the insult in the "if I were a japanese girl" thread.
>>765 replied to the "if I were a japanese girl" insult in the "insult the poster above us" thread
>>767 doesn't know the difference between 4-ch and 4chan.
>>768 doesn't know the difference between 4-ch and Yahoo.jp
>>769 doesn't know the difference between a monitor and a tv.
>>769 doesn't know the difference between a monitor and a tv.
>>802 thinks Air Supply is too much metal for one band
>>806 has been saged.
>>807 pronounces it like "sayj", as in the herb
>>810 thought his comment might be too high-brow for DQN, but posted it anyway.
>>814 is broken, and to out of date to be worth repairing.
>>818 thinks he is god's gift to women because his arms are longer than mine
>>822 has no idea exactly how many people are laughing at him
>>825 has bizarre sexual fetishes of the gross and messy kind.
That's pretty funny, coming from someone as perverse as >>826
>>828 has been investing in night-vision goggles and hidden cameras to make sure they know the whole of it
>>837 will probably die before he could accomplish that.
>>839 doesn't doubt the mystical power of his harmonic crystals
>>841 tried to buy stocks, but got confused and bought socks instead.
>>843 visits 4chan too much
>>854 seeds the internet with spurious capital letters to make his foes look tiny in comparison.
>>860 enjoys having indecent relationships with lions.
>>868 spent ten minutes figuring out how to type that.
>>874 buys all the witchcraft books at the bookstore in hopes of casting a love spell.
>>875 couldn't even light a cigarette when he casts Magic Missle.
>>884, like a good german, thinks anything involving butts is erotic
>>887 is a hard-working brioche, but all his efforts are in vain as he will soon be devoured
daily sage
>>891 is a sagetard
>>893 broke the sage train
>>898 still thinks that site is a blood site, but not just right wing propaganda since last year.
>>899 was part of a failed right-wing plot to achieve 900GET
>>901 doesn't know about my theory about the role jews played in 9/11
>>908 read the Book of Moron I, but found that he knew everything and skipped straight to VI.
>>914 did something in WC
>>917 is grateful for receiving my daily insult, like a DQNer should be.
>>918 hasn't heard of The Elitist Superstructure yet.
is suffering from an inflated ego
^ hasn't learnt how to quote yet!
>>925 knows far more about Hitler than a normal person should.
>>927 knows Hitler far more than a normal person should... especially a person who was born 40 to 50 years after Hitlers death.
>>933 will become a believer soon enough, when his sorry ass is b&
writes about disabled girls getting banged every day and is a part of the new 4chan's doujin game team.
>>937 thinks that's a bad thing.
>>940's Japanese vocabulary consists only of the word Hentai.
>>943 is a miserable old git with no joy in his miserable old life
>>949 Thinks he is cool using japanese and 2ch meme's at the same time
>>951 missed his 950 get, and is probably mad about it
>>960 always overshoots 10000 by adding a zero too many.
>>961 tries to correct that mistake by using the extra zero to divide 1000 by.
>>962 thinks nullity is an actual solution to division by zero.
>>967 is a shitbag who had a perfect chance to actually insult the previous poster but instead merely pointed out an observation about him. What a moron.
The prospect of 999GET has >>968 creaming his pants in anticipation of the crowning achievement of his miserable little life.
daily sage
>>970 will post insult 998, then promptly insult himself to achieve 999GET.
>>976 probably bumped the other insult thread for not good reason.
>>979 thinks that being edgy and dqn is 'trippy' and 'faggy.'
>>980 thinks that being andy and isy dqn 'fag' trip 'edge'
Be aware that >>989 thinks "u r a p'n" is also quite clever
>>990 thinks that a t-shirt that says "baka gaijin" is very clever
Is a fag.
i win
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