i am currently unemployed and out of school. i used to get paid for pretending to be a girl and chatting with men online. disgusting. i left. it was good money though. i can't hold a normal job dealing with people face to face all the time. but i'm trying to break out of my shell. with the money i made selling drugs back in high school i was able to invest in music. i bought enough equipment and wattage to realize my dream. my band was banned from 3 venues for breaking things and injuring people in the crowd. i don't like who is lighting up during a performance or running their mouths. now, my music is on hiatus. i have injured myself also spiritually.
i only go out to take pictures of this fucked decaying world. i am my own student of art. i am completely living in my head. learning a new language, unlearning guitar is easy. loving the world isn't. i am poor. my family is poor. but all around me is rich. why? all around me is everyone is happy. why? i want to destroy it. they are holding hands. i can give them my cd and they can fuck to my incredible sound of pure hate.
let's make a song?
>>1 is music to my ears.
I love my life!
dude, I just sang it and it was pretty good I might wanna edit it a little though to make some lines rhyme..
I like this song.
Let's swap the URLs for "DQN" and "Personal Issues" and see if anyone notices.
Needs more "uh, uh" and "yeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhhhh", with a smattering of "muthafucka" and one or two "hustlin'"