ITT we discuss the discussion of the really long song (6)

1 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4783 01:34

This is the discussion thread for

2 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4783 01:36

I think it's pretty much a pointless thread.

3 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4783 01:52

4 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4783 02:03

We should.

After that, let's discuss

5 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4783 16:27

I think the discussions in the discussion thread are very shitty. Participants should be warned.

6 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4794 03:55

The discussion thread isn't long enough. To do justice to the Really Long Song, it should be longer.
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