HI! (4)

1 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4812 07:09

Hey Guys I'm new, and wow this looks like a cool place. I think I will really enjoy the atmosphere once some one explains some stuff. whats the deal with the mittens?
Also what is an elitest superstructure?

I think we'll have a great time and a lot of laughs.

2 Name: LOLIHAET TRIPCODE!PYZX54X2L. : 1993-09-4812 07:52


3 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4812 09:48

∧_∧ fap fap
 fap    ( ´Д`/"lヽ
      /´   ( ,人) 
 fap   (  ) ゚  ゚|  |  < I USE MITTENS WHEN I FAP
      \ \__, |  ⊂llll
        \_つ ⊂llll
        (  ノ  ノ
        | (__人_) \

4 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4812 14:07

             /ヽ       /ヽ
            /  ヽ      /   ヽ
  ______ /     ヽ__/     ヽ
  | ____ /           ::::::::::\
  | |       //       \  ::::::::::|
  | | LOL   |  ●      ○┐  :::::::::::::|   
  | |      .|             ::::::|    In The Elitist Superstructure of DQN
  | |       |   (__人__丿  .....::::::/     you can just chill and do
  | |____ ヽ      .....:::::::::::::::<     whatever and totally relax.
  └___/ ̄ ̄       :::::::::::::::::::|
  |\    |            :::::::saddfsadf::::::::::|   IT'S NOT DISTASTEFUL
  \ \  \___       ::::::::::::::::::|    http://4-ch.net/dqn/
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