( D) WHY?????
2 get-sage combo
We find mittens very distasteful and we are working on getting them taken off the map
Hey guys, I like mittens now. Put them back on the map.
Delicious mittens.
>>1 I believe your information is wrong, good sir. I am a member of the Elitist Superstructure and I don't hate mittens, actually I love mittens. Didn't you notice the Emergency Mitten release button ? Why would we have such a thing if not for the love of mittens ?
My cat is eating my mittens right now. But it looks so cute...
( 3 ) it came from zapan
Shut up about the tasty map, would you?
Tripcodes are for niggers
Yeah, tripcodes suck.
I actually consider myself quite priviledged that squeeks thought enough of me to implement this feature into the 4-ch codebase. Squeeks -you're all right!
Those are sum elitist mittens they are...
>>1, you should have asked "What does The Elitist Superstructure love?"
Damn you for starting this thread! Everytime I see name of this thread I get an irresistable urge to release the emergency mittens.
i looked up mittens in a dictionary.
i like mittens.
Emegency Mittens killing my PDA