The environment where AA slips about the environment which does not slip.
Even then last expedient of useless time
what's all this?
> The possibility space between lines opening strangely with WindowsXP and receiving Syrian language [burakura] is high, is.
> If the browser is restarted, it is repaired, but at each time you look at the [sure] condition moves.
> In NG word it is evasion possible by the fact that gthe ³h and gthe h are inserted as coping.
> In other things, Syrian language no Tetsu don't you think? [wa] [e]! When with you say,
> Also those where font gEstrangelo Edessah is nullified are the hand.
> \ WINDOWS \ There is Fonts, deletion?, when we fear to delete gEstrangelo Edessah, it will make another place move.
> In addition, with [burakura] which is similar to this with Windows98 g&rlo; h With g&lro; h You used,
> Because also [burakura] which starts with a clean slate the thread it is, with Windows98 the person who inserts in NG word is good, probably will be.
>>4 considering "the person who inserts in NG word is good, probably will be" that makes you NOT GOOD! you fucking non-NG-word inserter!
If you're using Windows XP and there's more space between lines of text than usual, there's a high risk of receiving a Syrian language browser-crasher.
You can fix it by restarting the browser, but whenever you view the problem thread, it will reoccur.
You can avoid this by adding "³" and "" to your banned words.
Besides, what do you need Syrian language support for! Therefore
you can remove the font "Estrangelo Edessa" by hand.
"Estrangelo Edessa" can be deleted from \WINDOWS\Fonts - or, if you're scared to delete it, you can move it somewhere else.
Additionally, a similar browser-crasher for Windows 98 uses "&rlo" and "&lro".
Windows 98 users should add those to their banned words, because this browser-crasher makes threads appear blank.