[discussion]what is wrong with 4ch[serious] (19)

1 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4833 01:06

I have been using these boards from the very beginning and I can tell you that quality of this community has lost all of its value. All the old good people are gone. No-one ever posts outside of DQN really that much. The quality of discussion has hit a new low and now we have our very own little raiders lurking here. Even squeeks fails to amuse me anymore. ILm leaving this site for good. Anyhow I bet it will be down for good in six months tops. Thanks for all the good times, but paradoxially 4chan.dis has nowdays far active and better quality discussion than this site has seen for ages. Even the silly stuff is more entertaining, if you disregard the broken ascii art.

Farewell old friend, sadly I grew tired of you.

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