ミ*゚ー゚) Hello, kids!
ミ*゚ー゚) Today I sent out 20 million pump & dump spams trying to get people to buy into DKPA stock. I can't wait for the money to roll in!
( `ハ´) I wondered why my company was getting so many angry calls...
( `ハ´) I'm not even publicly traded...
( `ハ´)But I am publically 'tarded. Xiaoh xiaoh xiaoh.
>>1 gtfo. we have enough femme fatale shit all over the place as it is.
( ⌒-⌒) You're next, dear.
I heard you were a Live Tub Etuc. Confirm, deny?
I heard you like Mudkips. Confirm, deny?
Okay, I'll stop that.
ミ*゚ー゚) Today I sent out Ebay phishing messages to Bigpond! I just know I'll get RICH off those gullible australians!
ミ*゚ー゚) now I'm bumping my own thread.
ミ*゚ー゚) bwahahahahahaha! Today, 4-ch.net, tomorrow the world!
ミ*゚ー゚) Pretty good, except that Australians dont have any REAL money, just this fake australian currency.
(⊺●Д๏) Hello. I am "Mr. Likes To Bump Character Threads". I do believe this is a character thread, so I would like to bump it. That is why my name is "Mr. Likes To Bump Character Threads".