This thread seems to be infected with the "Bad Thread" virus. Please run a thread-scanner to fix the problem.
Protect your threads in 4 steps
1- Keep your threadwall turned on
A threadwall helps protect you by making it harder for hackers to access your threads.
Step 2. Keep your threads up-to-date
Install new ideas as soon as they become available.
Step 3. Use anti-threadvirus technology
Help prevent malicious posts from spreading from other threads to your thread.
Step 4. Use "Thread List" technology
Help protect your threads from staleness and other potentially unwanted "new" things.
Giving compliments isn't the same as saying nice things!
...I mean, >>4 has a stylish way of pointing out duplicate threads.
>>5 always wears a nice cologne.
@ iQQj@@@
@i QQ j@@@@
@i@EÍEj@ƒ My name is Squeeks and someone is still trying to keep this thread alive.
@i‚Â@@ ‚Â@@@
@b b@|@@@@@
Hi, I'm >>1. I would just like to state that I made this thread as a test. I tried to put a control character in the title to make the thread list not backwards but I failed. I didn't even care what kind of thread I made so I just created the first idea that came to my mind without checking for duplicates. Have a nice day.