You may ask me any thing and I do my best answer you.
Do Corea have small cock liek Japan?
What kinds of cats are best to eat?
@ ΘQΘ@@@
@<RMΝL>@ Corean have larger penis than Japan. It is because of the dog we eat
@i@@@@j@For cat, I recommend eat MONAR!
What meal goes best with apology juice?
What is the secret to your awesome gaming abilities ?
How does it feel to know that the Hyundai Excel was built mostly in your country?
Why are all Amercan animator jobs imported to Korea?
Why are all Amercan animator jobs exported to Korea?
Why are there no hentai manwha?
Is fan death for real?
Why aren't you, Korean people, gonna get rid of yourselves from this world immideately?
Is it true that Koreans are the ancestors of all people in the world, everywhere?
Why does the Corean players always win the Star Craft Championship in WCG every damn year?
What's the Korean name for that chronic illness where one feels compelled to ask for apologies and compensations obsessively?
Why does the "Corean" language sounds so unrefined even when spoken full of love and lust unlike their neighbours?
Side note:
Somewhat heartening to see that one of 2ch notorious acts ("Corean" -bashing) is alive and well here in 4-ch.
Do you prefer whole cabbage or radish kimchi?
Since Corea is so high tech, why hasn't odorless kimchi been invented?
How would you describe the smell of kimchi to a foreigner?
What does Corea think of niggers and jews?
Corean belief being that the more painful the death, the tastier the meat, how does the customer know that the animal's meat on his plate has been properly tortured to death rather than just quickly killed? Does it say so on the menu?
What about cat soup? Is it better than dog soup?
ITT racism
Does every Korean still play Starcraft obsessively?
@ ΘQΘ@@@
@<RMΝL>@ Don't be ridicurous! Dog is a best, it making you more beautiful and sexual
@i@@@@j@Best to eating with apology juice
<RMΝL>@dogs are alright too, nida!
@ ΘQΘ@@@
@ ΘQΘ@@@
@<RMΝL>@ >>43 should apology juice-nida!
@i@@@@j@NIDA IS SUPERIOR! Because it come from Corea.
I heard that there are better places to live than Corea.
Is this true?
No!!!! There no place other to live. Corea is BEST!! Think about it, we got all Kim Chi can you eat NIDA!!
@<RMΝL>@ >>Oops, didn't make it into >>46
@i@@@@j@I was delayed by terrible actions of racist Japanese
Did the terrible japanese cut your head with a katana?
I have a question! I hate my country and I want to leave it (BECAUSE I'M LIBERAL!); where is the best place in korea to immigrate to?
@ ΘQΘ@@@
@<RMΝL>@ P'yongyang is very nice-nida! Lovely Stalinist
@i@@@@j@architecture and many monuments of Great Leader-nida!
@@@@@@@@ @@ (άά)
@@@@@Θ_ Θ i@poot@j 50GET in a nida thread!
@@@@@( ί ί ) mm`
@@@@ @@i½ά*άΌ)
I see Corea came out on top once again! Congratulations, NIDA.
@ ΘQΘ@@@
@<RMΝL>@ 50GET is much like zerg rush-nida!
@i@@@@j@Only a fool would try to defeat NIDA!
NIDA, why are your cheeks so pointy?
I love the dear leader Nida. How much do you love him?
Nida, is it true that Dear Leader is a homosexual? I saw him with my brother the other day. It seems some sexual intercourse might have been carried out. I am scared verily.
@ ΘQΘ@@@
@<RMΝL>@ Heh Heh Our leader is great and many would try to do him harm so he must use imposters
@i@@@@j@Surely it was one of those imposters whom you saw. Truly not our great leader.
Will you be attending the public execution of this homosexual imposter, Nida?
@ ΘQΘ@@@
@<RMΝL>@ Our leader is great and compassionate, so there will be no execution.
@i@@@@j@Instead, this man will exiled, never to be seen again and told to contemplate
@b@|@b the responsibilites standing in for our great leader entails!
Is KATUMI-YAMANAKA famous in your country, Nida?
Uho! Ii Otoko! βηΘ’©H
Nida, why are there deviantart pages on the first set of results for "Apology Juice"?
Shall we do it, nida?
@ ΘQΘ@@@
@<RMΝL>@ Absolutely nida!
Unf, unf, unf. That will be 12,500 won.
( EΦE) For me or for you?
@ ΘQΘ@@@
@<RMAL>@ That hurt! I demand apolojuice nida!
What does Nida think of this:
Away Message:
달아오르는 열기 둘만 통하는 전기
숨이 멈출 것 같아 이제 다가가
가슴을 치는 리듬 그댈 보여줘 지금
이제 친구들 나와 시작해볼까
준비는 모두 끝났어
모든 시선을 내게로 oh oh oh
니 주윌 모두 접어둬
내가 걸어갈 때 세상은
모두 다 숨을 멈춰
흐린 안개를 걷혀
그래 그렇게
I said let me let me let me touch ya
모두 다 숨을 멈춰
내게로 손을 뻗쳐
이제 내게로
I said let me let me let me touch ya
I'm fluent in Corean.
NIDA, why is 73 here?
@ ΘQΘ@@@
@<RMAL>@ WHAT!? You do not know the Bi Rain who is world great singer! It is very much listen nida!
Why must you people keep invading New York City?
Nida, did you cry when Kim Il-sung died?
do you have a small dick like all asians?
( EΦE) Nida you are wrong. We japanese want make friends. Please elaborate.
(@EΦE) Here's a cup of apolojuice
@@@@@@@@@(EΦE@) he's going to notice this is your pee-pee
(@EΦE) Common, drink it
@ ΘQΘ@@@
@<RMΝL>@ Thanking you for apolojuice.
@i@@@@)@ Taste much like kimchee!
Nida, where do you live? I've applied to visit North Korea during the next Mass Gymnastics, and I'd like to visit you.
Nida, why are your people so good at starcraft?
Nida, which tastes better in kimchee: dog or cat?
Which breed of dog is best tasting? I have a pet shop next to my house, and a thick wad of money to buy any one of their dogs.
Tell me which dog I must buy to cook a great meal.
@@@@@@@@@QQQQ@@@@@@@@ @@@Q
@@@@@@@@^@@ @@@_@@@@@@@@@^
@@@@@@@/@@@@@@_@@@@@ ^^
@@@@@@^@@@@@@@Y@@Y |@@@^^
@@@@@ | ₯@ @@@ @@|@@|@|@@^^
@@@@Q|_lQ@@ @@@_^Q^^Q
@ @kQ.._Q__________^QQQQQQl
@@@@ i@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@.:.:.:.:.j@@|@BOILED ALIVE NIDA
@@@@@i@@@@@@@@ @@@@.:.:.:..:.:.:. j@@@_DELICIOUS!!
@@@@ @iQQQQQQ.:.:.:.:.:.:..:.:.:.:.:.:.j@@@@@PPP|^PPPPPPPPP
@@@@@@ _QQQ QQQQQ^@@@@@@Αέ@@@ ΘQΘ
@@@@@QQk θ θ θ θ θ lQQQ@@@@Q@__<MΝL@>^
Why did Cho Seung-Hui do it?
@ ΘQΘ@@@
@<RMΝL>@ For the lulz nida! He is true Corean hero nida!
( ί ί) Nida, what happens to the person when you write his name in red ink?
I paid $500 for a yellow Labrador to boil alive, but he is so cute that I feel guilt every time I try to put him in the boiling water.
How do I defeat guilt, and how many won is $500 American dollars?
@ ΘQΘ@@@
@<RMΝL>@ Guilt pass fast like Japan army when they run away.
@i@@@@)@ No need defeat guilt, cook and eat, mean love !
@b@|@b@Also 500 USD worth about 464,685 won ni-da.
@ ΘQΘ@@@
@<RMΝL>@ I apolojuice. I forgot answer question above.
@i@@@@)@ I mean say apology, ni-da
@b@|@b@Don't use red ink because colour of blood.
@q_QΜQΜ@No can answering the question, you ask again !
@i@M_>Lj<Nida, how many counterfeit hundred dollar
@i@ @|@j bills can I get with 250k rubles?
@b b@|
@i@M_>Lj<what is DQN??
@i@ @|@j
@b b@|
@ ΘQΘ@@@
@<RMΝL>@ DQN is where the Japanese, Chinese, and the other
@i@@@@)@@morons and non-Coreans live, nida
@b@|@b Don't worry, I'm just visiting to get some Apolojuice, nida.
Nida, do they have 100GET!! in Corea?
@ ΘQΘ@@@
@<RMΝL>@ No, Japan army steal all of Corea's.
@i@@@@) They jealous that they couldn't manage to get any on their own, nida.
@ ΘQΘ@@@
@<RMΝL>@ NIDA now use Hangul because superior !
@i@@@@)@ I will answering Russian fellow question.
@b@|@b@Why fake dollar bills ? They useless in Corea kekeke.
@q_QΜQΜ@Won hax okay, much skilled, ask and we deal nida.
@ ΘQΘ@@@
@<RMΝL>@ I notice act of Japanese traitor make fun corrupt my name.
@i@@@@)@ Only give forgiveness if show up like man and say apology nida !
@b@|@b@Acting in shadow pride of ancient Japan but much like cowardize.
@q_QΜQΜ@Mean people act coward. Do you having more questions ?
So I heard that you liked Mudkips.
@ ΘQΘ@@@
@<RMΝL>@ Corea made the mudkips, nida
( ίPί) Apolojuice is actually alcohol and apple juice, isn't it? That man just wanted free liquor.
@ ΘQΘ@@@
@<RMΝL>@ I wouldn't know, Japan refuse to give apolojuice to Corea, nida.
@ ΘQΘ@@@
@<RMΝL>@ Do not drink apolojuice, it is danger.
@i@@@@) Mean no good for health, Corea need apolojuice for war crimes so probably
@b@|@b mean can kill people much fast even more than zerg rush with it nida !
@q_QΜQΜ As for taste I don't know apple taste much like war crime ? Kimchee still best taste !
@ ΘQΘ@@@
@<RMAL>@ I forgot answered the one question before !
@i@@@@) Must be Japan scientists making memory jammer
@b@|@b and Corea will get technology back from Japan thieves.
@q_QΜQΜ But the tool probably hiding machine of death much like fans !
°( LEΦE`) What, again?
>>113 lol.
( ί ί) < Hi, I'd like a beef donburi with extra sauce, please.
@@|@김치@@@|@갈비@@ @|
@@|@잡채@@@|@라면@@ @|
@@ ΘQΘ@@ |QQQQQ|
@@<RMΝL>@ All we have is Kimchi, ni-da~
==@@ THE NIDA'S DINER@@ @==
( ί -ί) < I mean bibimbap.
@@|@김치@@@|@갈비@@ @|
@@|@잡채@@@|@라면@@ @|
@@ ΘQΘ@@ |QQQQQ|
@@<RMΝL>@ belch I apolojuice, we're fresh out, ni-da~
@@i@@@@j@Would you rather be having extra-large serving of Kimchi? Ni-da~
==@@ THE NIDA'S DINER@@ @==
( ί -ί) < then why is 비빔밥 on your menu?
@@|@김치@@@|@김치@@ @|
@@|@김치@@@|@김치@@ @|
@@ ΘQΘ@@ |QQQQQ|
@@<RMΝL>@ I apolojuice, it fixed now. Ni-da~
@@i@@@@j@One extra-large Kimchi coming up, Nii-da~
==@@ THE NIDA'S DINER@@ @==
@ ΘQΘ@@@
@<RMΝL>@ No 'North Corea' exist; Corea is one, Corea no longer controlled by filthy Japan,
@i@@@@)@ Soviet, American, or China; Not have Non-Coreans splitting Corea in two. Apolojuice for your ignorance, nida!
@b@|@b@@After all, honorable Kim Dae Jung meet friendly Kim Jong-Il in 2003 summit, exchange superior Corean
@q_QΜQΜ @car to replace rusting old pile of crap Moskvitch, sign of eternal Corean unity, Nida~
Don't you mean Korea?
@ ΘQΘ@@@
@<RMAL@>@ Vile Japan change name of Corea to 'Korea' so that Japan name come first in alphabetical order, nida.
Nida how do you feζζζζζζout tanaζζζsζζζζζ
@ ΘQΘ@@@
@<RMΝL>@ Corea is feeling bad from oppression and war
@i@@@@) @crimes by racist Japanese. Also thirsty for
@b@|@b@@ apolojuice, nida.
@q_QΜQΜ @
Since are all species of cat eaten of Corea, or simply the common pet? I'd like to buy some BBQ Tiger meat.
Nida, can you tell us what this cartoon is about? I think the wolves are Americans, rats are South Koreans, and the rest are North Korean, but I could be wrong.
I just got pwned by a dropship-tank rush-on a cliff and was totally fucked. They had me pinned on my island and I couldn't expand. And as the protoss the resources were coming in to slow to counter their tanks.
Before I knew it their siege-tank cliff had missile turrets on it and I couldn't get my disruptor beam on my corsairs fast enough to disrupt em.
I just had to surrender cause they totally had me.
Yikes, that video was kinda disturbing. Although I couldn't understand Korean, it's interesting the way the animation budget is really generous. Clearly a ton of animators worked on that, yet almost none of it clicks together with any character or emotion, and a lot of the animation, though detailed, is just plain clumsy and poorly synced. Also, no effort at all was put in sound effects, or proper voice acting/recording.
Seems like such a waste of effort to get all that inbetween animation to have it cut together so sloppilly and with no sense of timing or character.
It's like work for work's sake.