I'm from http://4-ch.net/general/
I want to learn what you think of General.
Please tell me.
I think General is an excellent military commander.
I wouldn't call him the Kaiser, however.
General is a very great country and they have such great zzyzx (raw fish). I would like to live there SOOOOO much because of Haruhi actually, but also Xixy Ksimtahr is my fav singer like evah!
I hate weeaboos. I don't conisder myself a weeaboo, I'm actually Generalese for real, well almost. I will be when I live in General though. Right now I'm studying generalese, generalese history and I'm following Bullshito, the way of the warrior. This is why I hate weeaboos that know 5 words in Generalese and use them all the time, opinion anonymous FUCK NE MOTHERFUCKER. I'm actually trying to become Generalese for real unlike all these faker wees. FUCK YOU WEEABOOS
So my question is, how good are my chances of becoming Generalese for real?
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The General Motors streetcar conspiracy refers to a contention that General Motors, acting in conjunction with several other companies and through the National City Lines holding company, illegally acquired many streetcar systems in various cities around the United States, dismantled and replaced them with buses for the express purpose of promoting the automobile.
Say NO to General! Bring back the streetcars!
>>9 is JISAKU JIEN in the dark of night
what what what?
Deeeeeeeeraiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiling threads
I want to enjoy spam and JUMP in the air
I've always preferred lieutenants, myself.