whatever you guys say, I don't care
>>1 This thread is so lame, so I'm not going to put in any effort into responding
>>2 you really need to learn how to sage in times like this, like me!
I'm going to avoid insults by not posting.
>>3 and >> 5 are fags and gays
>>8 hasn't managed to avoid my insult, which is you are a dick.
>>11's mama so stupid she sold her car for gasoline money!
My mama didn't raise no fool!
>>12 But she did raise a faggot!
I post on the internet, go for it.
>>14 is the only furry on the internet, all others are actually him in disguise.
>>15 is an expert on the subject, fortunately for us plebs
>>16 yes you are a plebeian, asshole.
Unlike me, and the rest of DQN, who know perfectly well where they came from.
>>17 seems to know an awful lot about plebeians and assholes, almost as if they were subjects of special interest for him.
I'm just saying.
Hay guys im posting in this thread again.
>>22 doesn't get the idea of 'poster above'
OOOHHH pleaasee don't insult meeee!!!!!
>>23 is a pansy
especially compared to the rest of us, right guys?
I don't even want to react to this guy
>>24 posts as Jisaku Jien to give the appearance that no one wants to throw an insult in their direction. Unlike reasonable people such as myself.
o o
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>>28 suxx at ascii art and has serious issues.
I think everyone can agree to that
>>30 has failed to think at all. That's obvious to everyone here.
>>31 did not fail to think, but thought crap anyway. As a disclaimer, I ain't gonna be insulted by anyone, just so you know.
No you're stupid.
Unlike me.
What kind of a kindergarten level insult was that?
I'm much more sophisticated. as anybody with a modicum of intelligence can see.
>>37 is a self-serving jackass.
Unlike me. I've even donated to a charity once.
Wow, donated once. that's almost a self insult you retard.
Look at me everyone! I insulted the dork above me, give me some cred!
attention whore, stop trying to showoff.
On the other hand, I am normal and nice person.
All schizophrenics think they're normal.
If you're normal, you'd be much like everyone else, like what I do!
the only thing you do is suck cock all day
i've never sucked a cock before in my life
Well, aren't you a sad pathetic girl who never gets any?
If you were attractive like me, maybe you'd get more.
I've got a trip code, I'm a piece of toast, LOOK AT ME!
More like free range chook!
I put the cunning in cunninglinus.
oh wow. where to start..
>>47 has an affection to finnish software and uses derogaratory terms for asians in nonsense word combinations. Luckily, that makes it very easy for me to prove what a mentally retarded sucker of camelballs this moron is.
Now on another note I'd like to attract your attention to the beautiful background that decorates the 4-ch environment!
>>48 has all the asthetic sense of a brick.
I prefer Michelangelo.
>>49 likes to ponder the exposed penis of Michaelangelo's "David."
Which is okay with me, I guess, but penises aren't a subject of special interest for me.
Yeah, you tend to focus more on the male anus and touching of the balls.
I wish I had a cookie. :(
Then install a real webbrowser, fag.
jeez. get firefox like me
>>52 judges people on their their web-browsers, and is about as creative with his/her insults as a dead goldfish.
>>53 keeps a dead goldfish for referencing... you sick fuck..
Everybody knows ones browser is a good indicator of the personality using it!
Cosplays as somebody who bathes, but fails at that aspect of recreating said character.
Whereas my hygiene is just fine.
>>55 had to look up "hygiene" in a dictionary.
However, my knowledge of the English language is impeccable!
>>56 doesn't know that nobody says "impeccable" anymore unless they're a pompous bastard. Even I know that!
And that is all >>57 knows, the single-digit I.Q. suffering, window-licking oxygen thief.
I, on the other hand, have a 3 digit I.Q. and the charm, good looks and grace to say "impeccable" without sounding pompous.
I am a bastard though....
>>59 is just another 4-ch emo.
Unlike me who only posts at dqn
>>60 is a dumbasss posting in a stupid thread, because as everyone knows you can insult any and everyone no matter who they are or what they do, unless...
I am squeeks, and if you insult me I will shut down 4-ch and dqn forever.
>>62 is very proud of his plan pre-emptively to insult himself.
And let it be noted I find split infinitives perfectly grammatical and do not think avoiding them makes me look smart.
>>64 washes himself with a rag on a stick.
Unlike myself. I prefer the term "washcloth on a pole".
>>65 does not see an obvious difference between his tooth brush and the toilet brush, using them interchangeably. This is the reason of your bad breath!
me, instead, I have a mouth odour like a fresh mountain view.
( LΦ`) You deserve a good ballkicking anyway >>72
( LΦ`) Oh, and nobody insults the legendary Grandpa.
>>73 is such a defensive ass for using Grandpa as a shield.
I am a perfectly self-confident person and your insult will have no effect on me.
yes it will, you insolent fag. After you heard that intelligence is related to how much your left and right brainsides are connected, you've been pushing at the sides of your head ever since. Let me tell you now, the pain you are feeling is not intelligence.
I'd like to divert everyones attention to www.wulffmorgenthaler.com
What a stupid website, you're such a stupid person for posting it.
I only visit VIP QUALITY sites, and there's nothing >>77 can say about it.
The only thing intelligent about >>76's post was his neglect to mention any websites, because anything he mentioned was sure to be idiotic and unrefined.
I visit sites with true VIP quality, like http://iiiiiiii.com.
After going to www.imsoveryclever.com it turned out that >>78 has very distastefull homosexual tendencies that should really not be kept in bits and bytes, and certainly not on the internet. I'll be kind enough not to go in detail...
>>80 is a doomsday cult member.
I on the other hand work for world peace and all other good causes that ensure we can all live happily ever after.
>>81 is a loony socialist lefty.
I on the other hand favor smart economic growth.
>>82's idea of "smart economic growth" means killing people and taking their money.
I would never do something so uncute!
>>83 is a closet pedophile who is into all that moé stuff.
I'm the partyvan.
That's not a van you have there, fool! its a refrigerator.
I do have a van though.
Can't tell the difference between a van, an SUV, or a crossover.
I, however, can identify any vehicle easily!
Yes, >>87, especially when they're HITTING YOU, which happens frequently.
You see, you should look to both sides before crossing the street, like me!
>>89 Is a retard for not playing by the rules and therefore trying to win at the thread.
You fail.
I never fail at the internet.
>>91 doesn't know enough about anything to lie convincingly.
I, on the other hand, have encyclopedic knowledge of the world, and can lie the robes off a judge.