ITT we try and kill the poster below us, but they escape! (138)

121 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4956 21:11

So here I am, walking through the forest with my girlfriend >>122, and all of a sudden this crazy little animal jumps on my back and tries to hump me! It was madness, the stupid little beast was crawling just there where I couldn't reach it with my hands and this thing going nuts on my back hurt like hell! It must have been a hilarious sight because my love just lost it, collapsing to the ground laughing so much... She also lost her breath completely but I couldn't notice because I was still thrashing about trying to get the mink of my back. Such a careless thing, why didn't I look back?

When I finally got rid of it (I decided to just fall on my back, that was enough but too bad for the mink) I found the lifeless body of my love, I found it on the forest path. I Shook her, softly at first, then more violently, I had to wake her, I just had to. Called her name in despair, my throat constricting with an unacceptable premonition. Insulting her so fantastically to get at least a reaction, blind with tears. Confessing my heartfelt love to her, yet no response, how could she have responded anyway? Dizzy, that dragging, nauseous disorientation, I can't bear to think back. So terrible, catastrophical, no one to help. No one, I lost.

I just ran. I ran away.

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