ITT we try and kill the poster below us, but they escape! (138)

94 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4949 23:16

Aware of the mysteries of quantum physics, >>93 understands that by having made an observation about the state of my head (exploding), that state will have been changed due to the act of observing. Or in laymans terms: I did not die, and certainly not from an exploding head, although quantum physics is still very mysterious to me. On another note, I would like to comment that, due to the limited lifespan of feline creatures in general, Schrödingers cat has long died of old age since it starred in that bloody 1927 Kopenhagen convention.

Saving my life after a battle with a theoretical construct, and killing a metaphysical example in the process leaves me free to take the longbow I keep in my room, to practice my marksmanship on >>95, who I have conveniently tied to a pole to be an immobile target. With good sight, 10 meters from the target and a host of quality arrows, I'm currently aiming for his nose, and I already hit both of his ears, his left testicle (i like the scream) and the arrow in his right ear.

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