I wish there was a way I could stop her. The madness she feels is something I can't relate to and understand so I dumped her. Cutting, suicide drama, lying about rape, you name it, she's done it. I cut my ties from her and wash my hands of it. I have my own life to live.
The bad side is that I miss the sex. One thing about her is that she was never a tease and was very good at oral. She never withheld or pretended that she was above something. The girl like a good romp in the sheets. That's one good thing about it her that I can think of.
And she liked mittens. Because it's winter.
Nice story.
Great story for mad libs:
I wish there was a way I could (verb) her. The (feeling) she feels is something I can't relate to and understand so I dumped her. (action), suicide drama, lying about (verb), you name it, she's done it. I cut my ties from her and wash my (body part) of it. I have my own life to (verb).
The bad side is that I miss the (action). One thing about her is that she was never a (noun) and was very good at (action). She never withheld or (verb - past tense) that she was above something. The girl like a good (action) in the (noun). That's one (adjective) thing about it her that I can think of.
And she liked (noun). Because it's (season).
Modulo the horizontal!