butts butts, lol
im a big fat butts
what what what? my dear colleague! What is this talking about symmetry? We have not the slightest idea of the nether dimensions of the neutral Higgs field. I have not heard of such models existing yet. If you do, however, I would be most fascinated, and so will >>1.
Also, I have the impression that 'neutral' may be a misnomer as I have evidence of quantum excitations, given exceptionally large bose condensates. I will repeat again, my colleague. Don't forget the pressure!
poo in a butt lmao
Hwät! we Gâr-Dena in geâr-dagum
þeód-cyninga þrym gefrunon,
hû þâ äðelingas ellen fremedon.
Oft Scyld Scêfing sceaðena þreátum,
monegum mægðum meodo-setla ofteáh.
Egsode eorl, syððan ærest wearð
feá-sceaft funden: he þäs frôfre gebâd,
weôx under wolcnum, weorð-myndum ðâh,
ôð þät him æghwylc þâra ymb-sittendra
ofer hron-râde hýran scolde,
gomban gyldan: þät wäs gôd cyning!
þäm eafera wäs äfter cenned
geong in geardum, þone god sende
folce tô frôfre; fyren-þearfe ongeat,
þät hie ær drugon aldor-leáse
lange hwîle. Him þäs lîf-freá,
wuldres wealdend, worold-âre forgeaf;
Beówulf wäs breme (blæd wîde sprang),
Scyldes eafera Scede-landum in.
Swâ sceal geong guma, gôde gewyrcean,
fromum feoh-giftum on fäder wine,
þät hine on ylde eft gewunigen
wil-gesîðas, þonne wîg cume,
leóde gelæsten: lof-dædum sceal
in mægða gehwære man geþeón
Him þâ Scyld gewât tô gescäp-hwîle
fela-hrôr fêran on freán wære;
hi hyne þâ ätbæron tô brimes faroðe.
swæse gesîðas, swâ he selfa bäd,
þenden wordum weóld wine Scyldinga,
leóf land-fruma lange âhte.
Þær ät hýðe stôd hringed-stefna,
îsig and ûtfûs, äðelinges fär;
â-lêdon þâ leófne þeóden,
beága bryttan on bearm scipes,
mærne be mäste. Þær wäs mâdma fela,
of feor-wegum frätwa gelæded:
ne hýrde ic cymlîcor ceól gegyrwan
hilde-wæpnum and heaðo-wædum,
billum and byrnum; him on bearme läg
mâdma mänigo, þâ him mid scoldon
on flôdes æht feor gewîtan.
Nalas hi hine lässan lâcum teódan,
þeód-gestreónum, þonne þâ dydon,
þe hine ät frumsceafte forð onsendon
ænne ofer ýðe umbor wesende:
þâ gyt hie him âsetton segen gyldenne
heáh ofer heáfod, lêton holm beran,
geâfon on gâr-secg: him wäs geômor sefa,
murnende môd. Men ne cunnon
secgan tô soðe sele-rædende,
häleð under heofenum, hwâ þäm hläste onfêng.
What the fuck is >>13? Is that like Beowulf or something?
Gay magic does this thread.
Yes, I am DQN. So? I dont see any problem. I embraced my retarded soul long ago and I am happy together with my boyfriend (who is a cute b/w VIPPER!). We have a fucking lot of quality discussions in and outside of the Elitist Superstructure and I am pretty comedic and amusing.
But thanks anyway asshole. Go and visit your stupid 4chan shit while I JISAKU JIEN with my boyfriend.
This is not enough MITTENS !
You can also use your rear-facing hot air blower to warm your hands. It makes funny noises too, most amusing indeed, haha.
That is true, but combining it with a lit match is deadly.
Butts lol.
If this truly is a highly intelligent thread then I suppose I should participate as it appears I am the only highly intelligent person hereLET me introduce myself my name is Sir Lionel Dobbs, not Lion and then El, rather Lyo-Nail DawbsCONSIDER me handsome and gallant. I know what a man is as well as what love is and before my cookie crumbles let me place my hand underneath it and proclaim this thread worthy of the highest intelligences.
Have we mentioned butts yet?
A miserable little pile of intellegence!
it carries out and is butts
Cigar butts
Cigarette butts
dip and snuff when used up ought to have butts too.
i already knew her naaaame