Do not discuss.
i@ m߁jI'm not really into the whole obscured thing.
You may now commence discussion.
Wait, no, it's better if you do.
I don't think I'm going to post in this thread.
On the contrary, I don't think you're doing any posting in this thread.
I feel like posting something....nah I shouldn't
tanasinn is the ultimate in postmodern modernism
No it's not, it's shit. It was shit but now it's real shit.
DQN is not postmodern. Discuss, not do.
DQN is art.
by posting here I have robed DQN of its postmodern nature.
God you people need to lurk more. "DQN" stands for "Dairy Queen Not", so what this thread is saying is that Dairy Queen is not postmodern. Morans.
no it isn't.
Since DQN mocks ratio and is unpredictable, truly it has transcended the modernity of threads