Hi guys. How do you like this thread that I have created?
Oh no, my vagina is hanging out again.
Oh, I just quit my job , invested my money, bought my self a high end PC, got a private tutor and started studying to get in to university.
seriously, would that be 100 times fun as being some singing bitch.
Like WHAT-EVER! I mean AS-IF! That is like SO not cool.
Like MnM~ Isn't that like the most genius codename ever? Oh my gawd!
drunk and invading your thread
drunk and invading your thread
smokes pot
drunk and invading your thread
You skank
mmmm luv ur outfit tho
puts on my robe and wizard hat
got any coke?
sage!! this thread.
Oh baby baby, age me one more time.
Oops wrong thread
I just made poop.
oh no, paris went to prison? what has the world come to! Why can't you just be famous and not get all this negative publicity!
cancer that's killing america.