I'm going to watch my dad get drunk and the cookout and he'll burn himself trying to light bottle rockets... like every year.
I'm going to go to work like any other ordinary Wednesday. Not like my country has anything to celebrate.
>>1-3 typical 4-ch users.
I'm going to buy a big box of cigars. put on my old navy dress uniform, fire shots into the air, and pretend I'm Fidel Castro. Viva La Revolución!
Hang out with my five young cousins and watch fireworks.
I don't celebrate Yankee holidays.
Study for my test on friday
I'm going to make lame posts to DQN
Watch fireworks, that all I know that I'm doing thats different from any other day.
i'm going to fap
You know, a lot of countries celebrate their founding, and many even do it with fireworks. But Americans are the only ones I know who feel a need to personally blow shit up themselves as an act of reverence.
Don't knock it 'til you've tried it.
I can't remember even this year's July 4th. Why should I plan for something that's at least 9 months ahead?
I've pre-ordered the release of 'chicago', Microsoft's next version of Windows. I might have to wait 11 months, but I want to be sure that I'm the first person on my BBS to be running a 32-bit OS!