Ask me anything.
me anything?
why aren't you using an iphone?
That was me btw.
LIAR. It was me.
Disregard that, I suck cock.
PPC means PowerPC. I wrote this using x86 arch.
PPC means PowerPC. I wrote this using UltraSPARC arch.
ミ ゚∀゚) PPC means Particle Plumber Cat, and that happens to be me!
〜(,_uuノ and I don't much like being used..
PPC means Phencyclidine to a dyslexic.
PPC = Polypropylene carbonate
>>Ask me anything.
How do you install East Asian text support?
Move to Japan, send in your PPC to the Japanese branch of the manufacturer and ask for a Japanese OS.
Greatly. They won't even do it unless you can prove permanent residence status in Japan.
How about you stop trying.