No penis enlargement please, studies have found that to be pretty much a non-issue.
It's easier to get the really young ones if you wear a Santa Claus get-up.
>>1 can stop makeing shitty "ITT we [blank] the previous poster" threads.
>>1 can get off the internet for the weekend and leave his house for a chance.
You need your wingmen to open up the sets.
>>9 shouldn't be afraid to cry around her.
>>10 should get engaged, thus exponentially increasing his desirability among the ladies by directly showcasing that he is in demand.
>>10 must take advantage of this by cheating with many different women, telling them all that he wants to leave his bride-to-be and marry them, but never actually do this.
Also, >>10 should get himself a vasectomy and several pseudonyms.
<丶`∀´> >>15 should eat more kimchi nida. Its aroma will attracting many women nida!
penis enlargement works only when there is something to enlarge. Unfortunately this leaves >>16 out of consideration.