@@@@/m 0R
@ @Q|QQ_|Q@@@@@@
@ @Ri # ίDίjm@@@Rise and shine, maggots!
@ @@@|@’ |@@@@@It appears we have an issue with the lack
@ @@m|PPR@@@@@of effective kopipe! I hope you maggots
@ @@@ΎάΎ@@@@@ can pull something good outa your ass!
@ iQQj
@i QQ j
@i@EΝEj@ My name is Squeeks and I pulled this hat out of my ass. In a manner of speaking.
@iΒ@@ Β
@b b@|
@@@@/m 0R
@ @Q|QQ_|Q@@@@@@
@ @Ri # ίDίjm@@@Rise and shine, maggots!
@ @@@|@’ |@@@@@It appears we have an issue with the lack
@ @@m|PPR@@@@@of effective kopipe! I hope you maggots
@ @@@ΎάΎ@@@@@ can pull something good outa your ass!
I am looking for an ngop, it must not be alam (thats klingon for white) or any Hu-Mon color. It has to be of cha' or more pa' (thats klingon for 2 chambers) and has be be HoS (strong) built. And has to be really QI'yaH [defies translation]. Also It has to be about wa'maH to cha'maH DarSeq . And you must transfer holographic projections of it first (i want to make shure it's QI'yaH [defies translation]. And it would be imperitive if it came with matching puq chonnaQ holder (WITH puq chonnaQ). OH! and it CANNOT have any Dogh depictions, or be made out of wood. It has to be made of metal, or something like that. Also it would be nice if it was made on Qo'noS. and not on earth or verenganar (ferenginar) or whatever. I viewed a ngop similar to the one i describe in the docking bay, but it was wa' pa', and i dont want my vIno'va' qurgh (beans) to touch my other items (it could yIQ and i would not like that, also cha' pa' looks more qu')
@ _ @Ώ
(@ίΝί)c@Individualism! Individualism!
1: What if you were a girl? (53) 2: ITT we insult the poster above us [PART VIII] (284) 3: >>71 is an ugly aggravating unintelligent dirtball (108) 4: CTRL+V THREAD! [part 2] (633) 5: ITT Things that aren't funny that you laughed at (38) 6: Start your online petitions here (18) 7: [music] Meta Song Thread [DQN] (4) 8: [REI] May I take your order? [Part III] (763) 9: ITT The previous poster is responsible for worldwide obesity. (7) 10: DQN ELECTRONICS VOL 9 (55) 11: I'm making another song thread because I want to record another one (153) 12: (54) 13: ITT we insult & correct minor nuances of the panda above us. (16) 14: ITT the previous poster is responsible for global warming. (41) 15: Let's get to 1000% by Sparking Sparking (15) 16: [Part X] ( LΦ`) Grandpa [Legendary] (690) 17: [REQUEST] ALL THE DQN KOPIPE YOU CAN MAKE! (8) 18: [Catastrophy] Emergency [Gay magic] (85) 19: Hidamari Sketch yAdorablez (4) 20: Say Something Amusing or Get Out (14) 21: fusianasan (28) 22: FOUND TUPAC.HTML (23) 23: THE SUPERSTRUCTURE IS EVERYWHERE (4) 24: What the hell, this place is getting stupider than /b/. (8) 25: [Storytelling] I forgot something... (101) 26: [FAGGOTRY] WE HAVE ARRIVED [RAPE] (15) 27: Profound Thoughts [stupid] (16) 28: ITT we post DQN avant-garde noise music that we have made (5) 29: ITT we fear vowels (65) 30: What the hell, this place is getting more intellectual than Pax Tsukuru [] (12) 31: Let's get to 1000 by Oppai Oppai [2] (206) 32: HEY (11) 33: ITT We Say "bumsex" 6 times (24) 34: (67) 35: What can you do when you turn 18? (33) 36: What the hell, this place is getting stupider than /b/. (19) 37: ITT we complain about DQN getting stupid. (8) 38: I'm afraid I have bad news... (173) 39: ITT we get to 1000 by content-free posts. (564) 40: ITT we deliver pain to the previous poster. (79)