What kind of clothes are good for doing exercising, like Pilates, or going to the gym, or going jogging?
I'm mainly concerned about the lower half of my body. I know loose and light clothes are good, but the only gym shorts I can find feel so tiny on me, and I feel like I'm horrifying everybody everywhere because they show so much of my hairy legs and flabby thighs. (I'm a guy.) Also, they wouldn't be appropriate for running in the winter, since it gets really cold here.
But on the other hand, I can't find any longer pants appropriate for exercise. Sweat pants are too hot to work out in, for example. What should I do?
I use sweatpants or short jeans. I'm a weightlifter.
Man up and do some real exercises, if you're so flabby. I'm Armenian and I used to be fat. Imagine that.
Weightlifting is not exercise.
Wrong, it's an exercise in futility.
Try your local Academy. Or the fitness section of Walmart.
If you're going jogging (which is also the best exercise to lose weight):
Also, why do you care what some people who will never see you again think what you look like?
Most guys I see, wear boardies. They're like the only acceptable 3/4 guy pants.