Are clothes too revealing these days? (65)

27 Name: Anonymous Stylist : 2007-11-25 21:51 ID:Pz1SLPBl

This argument debunks itself. If we're talking about evolutionary psychology (which I personally disagree with), we're going to talk about men seeking out the sexual partner most fit for their evolutionary needs. You state that men seek out the youngest possible partner; what we can assume from this statement is that you suggest men look for a partner they can breed with most often, and are most likely not already with another mate. However, we must consider another aspect to human mating choices: childrearing. If humans are by nature monogamous creatures, we live as a family unit; two mating partners raise their offspring cooperatively. By examining past societal trends, we can see that the female partner generally bears the brunt of this task. However, considering a younger child - how could a child know how to, or even have the responsibility to, raise another child? Offspring therefore would be more likely to die in the hands of a younger partner. Continually reproducing with a young partner to have a high rate of mortality of the children is inefficient. Aside from this specific task, other aspects that we have learned to seek out in mates (and yes, an emotionally stimulating partner IS one of them) could not be accomplished by a younger partner; mostly due to lack of maturity or physical frailness. Therefore, considering that menopause hits for most women around 45 - 50, under optimum conditions, men would looks for a partner around 25, young enough to have a multitude of children, and old enough to properly raise them. In past times this number may have been skewed slightly lower due to environmental factors, but recent studies have shown that the onset and closure of mental and physical development begin and end later than in the past.

What we can conclude is that pedophilia and ephebophilia are neither natural nor optimum sexual preferences. Stop deluding yourselves.

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