I have zits on my chin. :'(
yeah well at least you don't have them on your back, chest and all over your face. It sucks but I can generally keep them off by eating healthy ie vitamins and stuff and by using a weak skin cleanser and benzoyl peroxide twice a day. usually I'm just too lazy and don't care though. I've tried plenty of stuff from dermatologist perscriptions to over the counter treatments and the way I found works best so far usually gets rid of them in two or three days.
Stop resting your head on your hands.
dont touch your face to your fands.
dont pop them. they will spread.
wash your face with benzoyle peroxide regularly.
go to a doctor and get perscriptions.
...if all else fails, grow a beard/gotee.
dont touch your face, dont pop them, buy a face wash (neutrogena's basic acne cleanser or the cheap knockoff brand works wonders) and an acne cream with benzoyl peroxide 10%. wash your whole face 2x a day when you wake up and before bed, and always apply the cream before bed. if your skin gets dry, get a non-pore clogging moisturizer and use it every day when you wake up after washing face. should clear up in around 2 weeks, and scars will be gone w/in a month
wrong thread sherlock, this should go in personal issues.
skinoren.. a visit to skin doctor and proper treatment kills the acne.. well at least it took me a while, but i've beated it!
hey how about proactiv?
I have popped every single pimple I have ever gotten and I have never had it "spread". What the fuck? Is that some wives tale to get kids to stop picking their faces? I mean yeah it's probably not healthy, but spreading?
Also it was the deleted post that necroed the thread, not me.
acne is heinously anus