You know that really chemical smelling stench that you get with new jeans? Particularly black coloured jeans. I want to get the smell out without having to wash the goddamn thing to shreds.
Wear them.
Wash them and then put one of those scented liners into the dryer.
Roll them in shit.
if you wear them for a bit, over time your body will naturally neutralize that smell. then wash with whatever detergent you like
no special technique unless you wanna wash them right away. but id suggest you wear them first so the material is a little worn before you go ahead and wash it to get a better wash
If you don't want to lose the pure black, wash it in vinegar. It helps the dye attach to the fabric and sure as hell takes the smell out of it.
cuz that sure as hell is going to help the jeans smell better
Just wash it and put a good smelling fabric softener in. use liquid AND the sheets. That's all.
And wash it alone so the dye wont get in other clothes, and you'll have a better chance of it smelling good.
That's what i did. Came out smelling like Downy :3
After you finish with the vinegar, give it a wash in water with a bit of baking soda. Neutralizes it.
then u'd be neutralising the acid before it can take the smell out of the jeans...defeating the whole purpose..
Just tried baking soda & vinegar. It works! Had 5 stinky pieces.Used full load, dissolved 32 oz B.Soda in warm, added 3/4 Cup white vinegar, switched dial to cold water, filled tub until all clothes were covered, stopped cycle & let soak for 1 hour, came back & added capful of Woolite for darks and let the cycle run. WOW. It works. clothes are line drying now and NO SMELL. YAY!!