Dear Fashion board,
For males, how long should shorts be? If they go above the knee, are they too short? I wore shorts that went slightly above the knee today, and became the public laughingstock. Hopefully, the ignorant masses have short attention spans.
My queries are as follows:
What is the ideal length of shorts?
Should I even be wearing shorts?
Hairy legs, is this okay?
What sort of shorts should I wear?
Really it just depends on the look. If you're going for a more preppy look, knee exposure is alright. Gangsta hoodlum sort of deal? No knees allowed. Apparently, where you live, knee exposure when wearing shorts is a clear no-no.
Especially these days with young adult fashion, I'd try to only wear shorts when everyone else deems it "seasonally appropriate." Obviously, you should try to stick to shorts that are a bit beyond your knees should you ever decide to wear shorts. Personally, I feel weird wearing shorts that rise above the knee because well, I'm not a 40-something year old New England yacht club member, and I hardly ever wear shorts anyways.