Codpiece (6)

1 Name: Anonymous Stylist : 2014-08-23 17:41 ID:23gSGdCq

Should I wear my purple codpiece or my red one?

2 Name: Anonymous Stylist : 2014-09-09 07:14 ID:wc74jGEp

smoke roll-ups instead
you'll look better
and its cheaper
preferably with the orange rizla
because they taste nicer, and look cooler

3 Post deleted.

4 Post deleted.

5 Name: Anonymous Stylist : 2017-01-03 21:33 ID:rGYsTSSo


6 Name: Anonymous Stylist : 2020-06-28 05:07 ID:KWVyZz6g

Where can I buy a codpiece that will accommodate my enormous penis?

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