Your donut flavor? (16)

1 Name: Cooking Aprentice 2004-12-02 23:24 ID:0JTUJ73g [Del]

I like cream filling, so I get Boston Cream, or Bavarian Cream if it's available. Double chocolate is good once in a while as well.

Krispy Kreme sucks, though.

2 Name: Cooking Apprentice 2004-12-03 04:28 ID:Heaven [Del]

Nothing wrong with plain old Cinamon.

3 Name: Cooking Apprentice 2004-12-03 06:13 ID:Heaven [Del]

Which, on further study, is more of an egg then a donut, but so what.....

4 Name: Morg!MPEaAQqH7w 2004-12-03 06:25 ID:YY/pyrUA [Del]

Just glazed.

But when I was little it was Zebra-striped, but those seem to be MIA now. :(

5 Name: Cooking Apprentice 2004-12-03 14:02 ID:Heaven [Del]

Boston Cream for me too. Or those glazed chocolate bricks they sometimes have at Tim Hortons.

6 Name: Cooking Apprentice 2004-12-03 16:26 ID:E4U0NvXg [Del]

I like glazed with chocolate icing with the little white stripes on it~ :9

And Krispy Kreme is delicious to me if it is fresh! Did you know, if you go in while the hot donut light is on, they will give you a free donut freshly cooked, while still warm and melty? It's sooooooo delicious~~~

7 Name: Zero3K 2004-12-04 04:10 ID:Heaven [Del]

I like Glazed, Chocolate, and Chocolate-Glazed.

8 Name: Cooking Apprentice 2004-12-04 19:50 ID:FdG9YRGg [Del]

Just Glazed -- 100%

9 Name: Cooking Apprentice 2004-12-04 22:40 ID:Heaven [Del]

Chocolate icing! ♡

10 Name: Apprentice Chef 05/01/27(Thu)19:02 ID:WT0vBgrl


WTF are you insane?

Krispy Kreme with sprinkles all the way

11 Name: Apprentice Chef 2005-04-18 04:57 ID:uecNN7VD

Krispy Kreme Donut, the Cheesecake kind =3!

12 Name: mira!RaSnyLCJMY 2005-04-18 21:54 ID:AFIMawIL

Krispy Kreme is overrated!
gotta go with custard filled long johns

13 Name: lily queen!D8r4gJTFUk 2005-04-21 07:43 ID:jRsTv4j0

Krispy Kreme is wonderful if you get a piping-hot raised glazed. Otherwise, it's just an extra-greasy doughnut. Try the fresh ones before you knock 'em!

Otherwise, regular glazed, or the chocolate buttermilk ones from a local bakery--amazing; they really taste chocolatey!

14 Name: Apprentice Chef 2005-04-21 22:17 ID:J+TC9uUr

cream stick = win

15 Name: Alexander!DxY0NCwFJg 2005-04-24 04:52 ID:Heaven

This is like listening to drug user lingo. I understand about the same amount, too. Except maybe less.

16 Name: Sakurina!hb3hogbZLc 2005-08-16 22:10 ID:Heaven

     | \
     |Д`)   No one is here.
     |⊂     I can dance now !

     ♪  ☆
   ♪   / \    RANTA TAN
      ヽ(´Д`;)ノ   RANTA TAN
         (  へ)    RANTA RANTA
          く       TAN

   ♪    ☆
     ♪ / \   RANTA RANTA
      ヽ(;´Д`)ノ  RANTA TAN
         (へ  )    RANTA TANTA
             >    TAN

Plain cinnamon here.

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