MelonPan (25)

1 Name: KJI!XDpPLAUYlQ 2004-12-10 00:32 ID:cOcpeE1A [Del]

2 Name: Cooking Apprentice 2004-12-10 04:52 ID:Heaven [Del]

Sounds kinda like a danish.

3 Name: Cooking Apprentice 2004-12-10 04:58 ID:Heaven [Del]

Anyone got a recipe for currypan?

5 Name: Nevadash 04/12/19(Sun)05:52 ID:MTwtjAEh [Del]

I'll stick with the technique from Yakitate, thanks. It seems to work pretty well, if you don't mind making small batches.

6 Name: Smalls 05/02/05(Sat)17:08 ID:VP4pFKS4

Sounds pretty simple, I might try making a batch... always wanted to try the stuff. Currypan recipe would be appreciated too

7 Name: NaOH!basicX3pLo 05/02/07(Mon)05:49 ID:Heaven

I made wheat bread today... I'll have to try this soon, it sounds delicious.

8 Name: NaOH!basicX3pLo 05/02/28(Mon)00:22 ID:Heaven


So, I tried this today.... didn't turn out very well. :( It was more like ugly, misshaped biscuits with crusty pineapple flavoring on top. Where did I go wrong....?

9 Name: Apprentice Chef 2005-03-01 05:38 ID:Heaven


I think you did it correctly.

10 Name: lily queen!D8r4gJTFUk 2005-03-25 09:56 ID:ASYLq76t

I might have to try it ... I found a recipe for what Mister Donut (Japan edition)'s "pon de ring" are supposedly based on, and I want to try it someday, because I crave those things like mad. And naturally they're among the few Japanese foods I can't get here.

I have no idea why I'm spamming the food board tonight.

11 Name: Apprentice Chef 2005-03-29 06:28 ID:Heaven


because the food board is the best board!!`

I've heard all sorts of good things about Mister Donut. Would love to try some of that stuff, someday.

12 Name: Apprentice Chef 2005-04-02 03:06 ID:034nnAUV

lily queen is pondering pon de ring? o_O;

13 Name: lily quee!D8r4gJTFUk 2005-04-04 05:24 ID:ASYLq76t

No need to ponder pon de ring! Just dive right in!

14 Name: lily queen!D8r4gJTFUk 2005-04-04 05:25 ID:ASYLq76t

Wow, I can't type.

15 Name: KJI!XDpPLAUYlQ 2005-04-07 05:04 ID:2CjFPECo


16 Name: lily queen!D8r4gJTFUk 2005-04-10 05:37 ID:ASYLq76t
Mister Donut!

We need to be able to post pictures here!

17 Name: Apprentice Chef 2005-04-11 02:40 ID:Heaven

I think there's enough imageboards around already...

18 Name: Apprentice Chef 2005-04-11 13:45 ID:qtV+Z4SM


I think setting up a thread on the WAKAchan photo board will be fine for now.

19 Name: Apprentice Chef 2005-04-13 18:22 ID:G6olaZWe

I want to try making the melonpan again... in fact, I would, if I didn't know that I'd be the only one eating them. :(

20 Name: lily queen!D8r4gJTFUk 2005-04-17 00:40 ID:Zy2dYtrq

OK, I posted some food images at /ph . Looks like it needs posts anyway, so go over there and post food photos! Take a picture of your melon pan!

21 Name: Apprentice Chef 2005-04-17 22:49 ID:swe/KmiB

Conveniently linking lily queen's pictures

( ・∀・)つ

22 Name: Apprentice Chef 2005-04-20 06:09 ID:Heaven

I searched for melon pan in Uwajimaya (Seattle) today and was surprised to not find it. Well, actually, I found something labelled as melon pan but it was more of a fluffy green-tinted bread/roll and does not have the hard cookie-like top.

At Yummy House Bakery I did buy sweet bread which has a harder top but still it is no melon pan. Does anyone know of any other bakeries in Seattle that might make it?

23 Name: EDY 2005-04-24 06:51 ID:Heaven

Please I would like to recipe ve a copy of the mister donut pon de ring.
Thank You!!

24 Name: lily queen!D8r4gJTFUk 2005-06-18 21:54 ID:gGC0a0mN

EDY, I heard they're based on pan de queijo, but without cheese and sweeter. The key ingredient is the tapioca starch. I haven't found an actual MisDo pon de ring recipe yet.

25 Name: train man 2005-08-02 04:53 ID:ERXrtNV1

I get my melon pan from mitsuwa marketplace here in chicago. it's really really good

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