Which kind of burrito should I get? (11)

1 Name: Apprentice Chef 05/02/13(Sun)01:20 ID:Heaven

I'm thinking chorizo and eggs. My arteries scream in protest, but fuck 'em. Last time I paid mind to them, that fish burrito really tasted like shit.

2 Name: Apprentice Chef 05/02/13(Sun)04:43 ID:Heaven

That sounds good.

3 Name: Apprentice Chef 05/02/15(Tue)02:10 ID:Heaven

Well that made for a shitty topic. .\/.

4 Name: Apprentice Chef 05/02/16(Wed)03:19 ID:Heaven

So what's the best burrito joint?

Over here we've got this place called Chipotle. Zero taste in decor but the assembly line-styled serving is very cool and the food is quite good.

5 Name: Apprentice Chef 05/02/17(Thu)00:02 ID:VM1hhe/U


6 Name: Apprentice Chef 05/02/20(Sun)05:12 ID:XSWY7jJu

There is nothing wrong with chorizo and eggs in moderation. I eat eggs only once a month or so, and red meat less often than that, but when I do eat eggs, I eat 'em with chorizo. I figure my system can handle that if I refrain from doing it every morning.

7 Name: nobuyuki!GfMr2LTKW. 2005-03-01 21:03 ID:EXgcQO7h

chipotle sucks at making good mexi food. all their shit tastes like badly done carne con chile

I reccomend the joint called "taco fresco" if you're in chicago, or if you're in phoenix, grab a machaca at "blue burrito grill"

P.S. Chorizo and eggs is pretty good way to get rid of chorizo. So is papas con chorizo

8 Name: Apprentice Chef 2005-03-02 00:55 ID:qFL1t9LZ

I'm in Palo Alto. I go to a local place called "J&J Taqueria."

9 Name: Apprentice Chef 2005-03-02 01:19 ID:YYtFKW+F

I'm in Michigan. If I want good Mexican food I have to cook it myself -- not always a simple task for this gringo, but I like to think I can pull it off more often than not.

10 Name: lily queen!D8r4gJTFUk 2005-03-25 09:52 ID:Z1gRe2fh

Huevos con chorizo=twice-a-year craving, but boy is it good when I have it. Never mind my arteries.

I still don't understand why the local mall's Mexican place has such good huevos con chorizo, but I guess I shouldn't question it.

11 Name: 4 2005-03-29 06:34 ID:Heaven


Coincidentally, I am in Chicago.

No car though, and I'm a bit off to the north. I'll try it next year. :3

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